Day 2 of feeling down. I think it's a normal downtrend in my depression cycle. Nothing to do but push through it and see how tomorrow is. I couldn't face kung fu last night, almost made me cry to think of doing it. Another bad night's sleep. I slept all night, but had unsettling dreams, which are not unusual for me, but also not helpful in my mental state right now.
Decals on this model. Ugh. Tiny little decals, some the size of the head of a pin, which is very difficult to manipulate into place. They have to dry (because they are water decals which means the "glue" is almost non-existent and basically held in place by the static drying of water, so they come off really easily if touched later, stupid, I know), then I need to put a varnish over it to make sure they stay in place and do not come off later. Fiddly fiddly bits.
That's it for me. Not much going on here. Hope you are doing well and staying safe, as always. Much love, hugs and properly sanitized kisses. **MWAH**