It's a rainy, dreary day today here in North Carolina. Getting to watch the water come down and wash the trees of dust making everything look bright and green. I love days like today. I'm going to go for a drive in this to make sure I don't miss it. All too soon summer will come and everything will be baked too hot to stand going outside (it's not the heat, it's the humidity that's the killer) and rain will be too little to really help. Others are cursing the rain. Me? I'm a boy from Texas and I appreciate every drop of rain here.
I'm making great progress on the necklace (everyone tired of hearing about this damned necklace yet? :-) ) and figure the way I'm going another week at the most will get me to the end of it. I must be getting used to using these magnifying glasses because it's not as much of a problem this time. Or maybe I'm just resigned that I'm getting old and need to stop complaining all the time.
I told Phryne I love her today and she promptly bit my lip and made me bleed! Little stinker. I don't know what it is about that phrase but every time I say it, and she is on my shoulder, she runs over to bite my lip. So, totally my fault. I should know better than to tell her that when she's on me. I guess she's training me to not say it within easy reach of her.
I don't really have much to report. So much love to you all (please, no bites!) and I hope you are having a good day. MWAH!!!