Just a reminder what today is. I tried to post an update for yesterday but SG would not take it. Oh well, I have more to talk about today.
I was heading out to pick up lunch and I saw a vulture on the side of the road, wasn't sure if it was dead or not, that was hit by a car while trying to get to roadkill. I stopped and it was still alive. So I gloved up and captured it, which was easy since it was barely struggling. I wrapped it securely in a towel and took it home. Karen got hold of a local rescue group and I took it out to them. I already knew what they were going to say, it most likely had a broken back so there would be no recovery for it. They are going to treat it and check to see if it has a pinched nerve, but most likely it will be put down. It's sad, but definitely better to get fluids and treated gently rather than left to die along side the road.
Karen's having to hold in her anger and sadness over the firing of so many people from her sector at work. She's pretty pissed about not being informed until after the hammer came down. But, she has to hold it in and not ask the hard questions because she doesn't want to get put on the "bad" list and maybe risk her job. Fortunately nobody else can do the job she is doing right now, so she has time to get with some recruiters and think about a new job in the next year or so. Today she is helping her sister with her resume and new job ideas.
I started a new necklace yesterday, it has small cherry glass beads on the sides and a row down the middle of smoky translucent crystal. I think it will turn out beautiful.
Doing some laundry and working on the necklace, not much else on my agenda today. How are you doing? I hope well. Much love and many hugs to you. Take care of yourselves! MWAH!