Met Lisa. She was begging on the side of the road, looks to be about 19. Lost her job, no car, no place to live. Offered her a place to stay and she accepted. But...and this is where we feel bad about it...but...
But Karen is feeling in a bad space right now with work, really stressed out, and her only refuge is home. So to add another person into the mix? So we decided to rescind the offer. I feel like a cad. I'll get her some money, see if she wants to grab lunch, talk about what she is wanting to do, maybe see if there is a job I can help her find. She is currently couch surfing, so at least has a temporary roof, but with no car or even a driver's license, this will be hard.
Bleh, not looking forward to this later. I'm sure she will be much less happy to hear about it. :-(