Oh gods. Yet another person that I know has decided to be joyous in Trumpery winning. What a nightmare. I've asked this young, white female to meet with me for coffee to discuss, as she said that she was sure I could never understand why she voted this way. Yes, I'm sure I can. She is white and privileged. She is young so has never had to suffer through being marginalized as a female, or denied basic rights. Yet. But that is my presuppositions. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she has deeper motives other than hate of all who are not white. But that is why I was hoping to talk with her and hear, openly, what her thoughts were. I want to still be her friend. But....
But...I liken voting for Trumpery as having a friend who has a friend who is a serial rapist. Your friend knows he is a rapist, but yet your friend is still friends with him and they hang out together. And it is expected that I am okay that he is friends with a serial rapist. NO! I refuse to go that way. I am not willing to be friends with someone who is okay with this sort of behavior. That's why I want to talk with her and see if there is any rational reason for her voting this way. I know it sounds like I am already prejudiced against her, and I admit to a kneejerk anger, but I am also willing to talk and in the end respect her opinion. I do not have to like it. If I don't like it enough, I can just not spend any time with her, no ultimatum, no declaration that she changes. just move on.
I know this sounds narrow minded, but I cannot surround myself with negativity and hate, and neither should anyone else.
Okay, that's it for now. Love and gentle hugs to you all. Be safe.