Not much sleep at all last night, so I have been shedding some very productive thoughts today for simpler, and more attainable items on the old to-do list.
I am putting thought toward airbrushing. Some very excellent people gave me a modeler's airbrush kit, but I really don't know what to do with it. I mean, I know how the airbrush works, but the problem is mixing of colors. I *know* in theory how to mix colors, but have never done it in practice. And let's say I want a slightly grey-ish toned white. So I add a drop of black to some white, spray test it. Doesn't work? Add another drop. But then to I have to wash out the sprayer before trying it again, or just spray it for a moment on some scrap, then test it after the old has, in theory, run through the sprayer.
So many things unknown, unknown causing fear, fear causing paralysis. So now I'm looking up all the adapters that can be purchased for the Badger (Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom Mushroom!) and avoiding everything.