**sigh** My parents are racist. In all ways. Currently they REALLY hate Muslims. Not just those that are practicing, but if you come from any region that is historically Muslim. I know Dad has a strange dislike of Jewish people. They really hate Obama as a terribly stupid person and one of our worst presidents. Why? Because he is a Democrat (which they cannot forgive or tolerate, so I guess they are very disappointed in me) and he is black. They really dislike Trump, but I am sure they will vote for him to keep a Democrat out of office. They have no clue about the War on Women being waged in the US still, and with renewed fervor. While they are disgusted by men for assault, they are also blaming women for allowing themselves to be put into that position.
Gods, this is always so frustrating. They are actually somewhat decent people. I hate having to sit through this, and while I try to correct some of their many misconceptions, it is a waste of my breath. It has no impact and they will continue to believe what they will. I think what I will do, since I am just wasting breath and frustrating myself, is to just shrug or give them the "Well, whatever." and walk away. I have fought them for so many years about this blind ignorance and it has yet to make any difference, so I must finally concede to the inevitable.
I want to apologize to all of you out there for not continuing this fight with them in deference to my sanity. It physically hurts me every time they make one of their remarks, since I know someone out there for each one, someone that I love and care about, and they are hurting you, my family, with these terrible comments.
I can only hope that in the next 20 years enough of these old attitudes will die with these people and we can be a better society. But I think I hope in vain.
Of all the terrible people that have ever existed in the world, human beings are the worst.