So today our upstairs hallway gets hardwoods. This way we separate out all the bedrooms so we can carpet each individually, rather than in all the same carpet. And not at the same time. Spreads the monetary pain out.
So I assumed someone would call and warn us 30 minutes out that they were on their way. Nope. Quick, out of bed and let them in. Didn't know when you guys would be here. Stares, followed by "We are here now." Okay, come on in.
I can't fault their work ethic. They seem raring to go. Customer interactions....not as high a grade. More like country boys who are slightly uncomfortable around other people. ;-)
Oh well, it's the results that will count. Everyone can critique it for Game Night on Saturday.
Update: They need a sharper blade when cutting this wood. The whole house smells like burnt wood now, and it is setting off the heat bloom detector. Also, it's making me sneeze. Really wish they would not cut this wood in the house.