Allergies today are kicking my butt. Okay, I'm assuming it's allergies and not a tumor or an alien about to explode out of my brain.
Anyway, my head feels all cloudy and brain functions are numb, slow. So, there's that. Got my allergy shots today and those left me with huge knots on my arms. Looks like I'm developing strangely placed muscles. At least they aren't itching.
A dear friend of mind in San Antonio is going through hell. Her husband has turned psychotic. He was my roommate in college and was a great guy. About 7 years ago he developed what I can only describe as bipolar. Not diagnosed, mind you, but acting very much like it. His wife is probably one of the sweetest and most giving people I have known. She has 4 kids she is raising alone since he stole all their money, including college funds, bought several cars, cheated on her, stopped helping out with the kids and bills. She ejected him from the house and filed for divorce (hard for Catholics to do) but he still keeps coming by the house and yelling at her, by her job and yelling and screaming at her, taking the kids and not giving them back until the police intervene. He will not listen to reason and even called the Attorney General's office to rant and scream at them when they approved docking his pay for child support. She called me this morning crying because he met her at work again and verbally assaulted her in front of all her coworkers. I wish I could be there for her. I've offered to fly down and spend whatever time she needs to help her out, but so far she has declined (mostly because she is embarrassed that she needs help). I really wish there was a way to get people to follow her around secretly and wait for him to pop up and start abusing her again, and have them to step in and remove him from her proximity. Apparently I just need to be rich enough to be able to provide her with bodyguards. **sigh**
Okay, going to try and encourage my synapses to fire together and form thoughts. Go go synapses!