So much happening, and so little.
Still waiting for the CrV's transmission to be fixed. (warning, if you are a southern mechanic and call it a tranny and talk about it's shaft, jokes will be made) It's been 9 days without my car. Geh, I miss it. Driving Karen's car is just not the same.
Trying to get to Charlotte again this weekend. last weekend was cancelled due to the car being in the shop. I missed the cancellation time for the hotel room by 15 minutes so had to pay for it. That sucked. But hopefully this weekend will work out.
Doing the normal things around the house, laundry, cleaning, picking up, etc. Tonight I hope to not only have the car back, but also go to sword practice. No whining, I will just suck it up and go.
Head hurts, sinus and allergies issues. I think the amount of drainage I am having is causing me to feel nauseated all the time now, so food is appealing in theory, but pisses my stomach off.
Oh, and I'm really damned tired. Still. Oh well. Nothing is presenting me with any excitement...meaning I really do not care about anything. I'm just not able to get excited about anything that should be fun. Everything seems to require too much energy.
I think that's the basic recap. Oh, it's hot and muggy. Stop it.
There, now that's it. I hope you are all doing fabulous.Love and hugs.