Hmm, I figured someone would have commented on my last entry. Oh well, you peeps are busy busy. Hope you are having fun too. Had an electrician out to the house to look over the all the electrical I did in the basement 10 years ago. He was very complimentary about it, which surprised me. He had a few things that he wanted to correct for safety, but otherwise thought I did a good job. Yay me!
Karen and I have reservations at a nice place Friday night for a romantic dinner. Saturday, Valentine's Day, we are encouraging discouraged, disgruntled and even happy people to come over to drink, play games and socialize. Otherwise known as Game Night. Looking forward to seeing these people. I love them and so glad I joined SG, since I met them all from here.
Today I'm going to get Merlin (the cockateil) up, head out for lunch, then go shopping for some party treats for Saturday. Flowers for Karen as well. This Valentine's Day will be the 27th anniversary of our first date. Trite, I know, but I did not want to be alone that VD for reasons, and it worked out for both us us better than either could have ever believed.
Hope you are all having a great day.