I feel amazing today. Just sent all the gifts, all of the Pie-In-The-Sky wishlist gifts, to a friend of ours in San Antonio and her four kids. Her husband, who used to be an amazing man, abandoned them (we think he is bi-polar and is pretty uncontrollable right now, refusing any help or reason) a few years ago. She has been barely making ends meet with no family support and very few friends. Living in North Carolina, there is not much we can do on a regular basis, but Christmas we can do. And I'm going to find out when the kids are all on Spring Break and we'll fly down and spend time with her and the kids. I want to take them shopping, because I know new clothes has been few and far between, and even though the kids know and understand, it still has to hurt. I know it hurts her all the time that she cannot do more for the kids, and embarrasses her some, but like we told her, this is easy for us, and hard for her, we can take care of this.
Okay, off to do laundry. Hope you are having a great day and planning for a fabulous weekend.
Loves to you all!