Day two of outside decorating begins. Lesson learned:
Not all LED lights are the same arctic blue color. Sometimes you can find ones that are a nice warm yellowish color. So, unstrung all the lights on the driveway this morning and wrapped them up, returning them, then buying the warm ones. So, a trip to Lowes is on my list this morning.
It's still nice outside today, so those lights will be going up. Trying to fond something for the walkway from the driveway to the front porch, but so far I haven't been too excited by anything I've seen.
More laundry to clean, hopefully crack filled oatmeal cookies will be made today, inside decorating. Turkey out of the freezer and thawing. Hmm, what else? That's all I can think of so far, but I'm sure more will happen.
Merlin is still going through his major molt, but it looks like we are on the back end of it now. His feather loss has slowed down. Got to take him to the vet to get his checkup. :-( Poor thing. Wish there was a closer vet than Raleigh. It's about 15 minutes too far for him before he starts getting really unhappy. But, need to do this so we can board him at the vet's over Christmas. #feelingguilty
I hope you are all having a great day so far.