Gods, am so sad. Drunk too at 12:30 after midnight. K is annoyed with me, I'm uncomfortable going to bed. Not sure what to do , but I guess I'll sleep on the couch. Bad night.

sorry to hear that, dear! how are you feeling now? :(
Feeling better, we of course kissed and made up.

Hello loves. Thanks for indulging me in my previous rant.

I hope you are all doing well. I am pretty laid up with my back giving me problems. I cannot walk without pain, and standing for more than a few minutes really hurts. It seems to be, best I can tell, muscles impinging on nerves, and I get shooting pain down my left leg from...
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I just needed to say this, so I'm very sorry.

Gods DAMNIT America! Wear your fucking mask, stay isolated and take this shit seriously! I'm tired of burying people!

Also, Trump is a traitor, pure and simple. He needs to be jailed for his traitorous activities.

I love you all. **MWAH**


You ever regret the paths you've not taken? I am tonight, and several nights/ I'm not saying that I regret where I am not, because I do not, not one bit. But...but...I do wish there were some chances I had taken. One that has been coming to mind lately is that I had been a better friend to Carlotta. This was before I learned how...
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sometimes i wonder the same.... i try not to, bus its hard for me... we have a lot in comon
@emeralda Those regrets are a tough thing.  I can't go back and change anything, but still wish I could.  Of course, if things were different, would I have the life I have now?  Not sure I would want to risk that.  **sigh**  I hope you can do all the things you want to do and have no regrets when you get older.  Maybe we need to commiserate on this over a drink or two when all the pandemic is over and we come to Brazil.  Eventually.  :-)

Sorry I haven't been up here for a while. A combination of issues. Mental health...but that's doing better. The frustration with the election upcoming and the pandemic continuing. Some physical health stuff, but that is doing better. A lack of energy. But most important is the new pair of glasses I have makes it almost impossible to read anything on the computer now. So until...
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I hope you feel well soon! I send you a hug! We miss you too! 🖤
Thank you @samm_lozz.  I'm definitely trying to get better day by day.

So here is sit, bird on my head, warming her feet, and I just remembered that I missed our anniversary. Both Karen and I missed it. Not surprising for her to miss it, I'm the one that usually keeps track of these things, but it's just a sign of how things are that I totally forgot about it. Not that we could do much special,...
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Thank you @emeralda.  It's been too short a time so far and looking forward to so much more.
Wow congrats

Hello all. What are you up to these days? Anything fun, silly, different? Or the same things?

Me, basically the same things. A little laundry, a bit of cleaning, some games, reading, napping, a few errands out. It seems that masks are the new fashion statement. Have you gotten any that you really like? So far I just have a grey mask with no pattern,...
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@samm_lozz, yeah, I have been thinking about this.  Even for those working from home, having to eventually go back into the office will be strange.  But if you've been out of work waiting to go back, that has to be strange.  I am so sorry things are feeling strange to you, but I understand.  Take care of yourself as much as you can.
I had only white masks, but a friend gave me one red with black cats, it's cute!

Woof, I just got jumped on by a Hopeful for mentioning that the US has a terrible administration right now and that I had great hopes for the upcoming election, and was told we do not have the worst one and hers was worse. Okay, wasn't making this a competition. So I apologized and moved on.

Yesterday I went to the dermatologist. She cut two...
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Hello and happy Monday! I hope you are having a good start to your week. It's raining here as we prepare for a hurricane to come through today and tonight. Not expecting anything more than some wind and rain from Isaias, so not worrying much. Hopefully a few days of cool weather, but boy will it be humid afterwards.

So I got my order, finally,...
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@felicity The hurricane was pretty mild, gave us some rain and wind but that was all.  Ha, the Lego's still make me laugh that I'm playing with them.
Oh I used to play with Lego a lot!  💫

I hope you are all ready to have a great day today! Yes? Well, I'm hoping you do.

Karen is on vacation, so she is energized and doing stuff around the house. I'm exhausted just watching her. ;-) Her sister Kim has been coming over and working in the basement on throwing clay, so Karen's also been down there doing stuff. Our friend Amanda has...
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to you too my dear ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you @samm_lozz and @camicah.  It did turn out to be a good day and even kung fu went really well.

Thank you @felicity for tagging me.

-1 Height? 5ft 8inch

-2 do you smoke? No, I never have. Both my parents used to smoke and I didn't like it then. And now I'm very allergic to smoke.

-4 do you drink? Not much any more. I used to drink a lot, learned it while Karen was going through her PhD program, but now more than...
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Thank you so much for answer, I wish you can take some good rest this weenkend!

Good morning and happy Thursday to you all. I felt horrible yesterday so ended up doing nothing but sleeping and laying about. In fact, I felt horrible starting after kung fu, I really think working out in a 90 degree (33 C) temperature with 100% humidity in the kwoon is really bad for me.I know it's close to 100% humidity because the sweat does not...
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