Ok, so some cool storms blew across North Texas yesterday afternoon. I got to see the tornado in Everman, as I was driving up the I-35 when it was on the ground roughly half a mile away. Stupid me left the camera at the office. So, I hauled ass back there and got within a mile of the storm and took a couple of pics. It had died down a little, but I thought it was still pretty cool looking.
I saw this today as I was making my rounds at different subdivisions...
Just your average looking Port-o-Potty. Actually, it's not very average since it's fairly clean.
Check out what the sign says, it made me laugh.
That's all for now, hope everyone is well!
Edited to say:
Yea, those storm pics got a little cut off, you can see them in my photography folder.

I saw this today as I was making my rounds at different subdivisions...

Just your average looking Port-o-Potty. Actually, it's not very average since it's fairly clean.
Check out what the sign says, it made me laugh.

That's all for now, hope everyone is well!

Edited to say:
Yea, those storm pics got a little cut off, you can see them in my photography folder.
-lil sis-
So whats going on with you this week?