hey guys... so im back from courpus... it was pretty fun .. i meet alot of ppl.... mostly guys... hehe this guy named woody taught me how to surf.... that was fun... well i went down there with john... remember john... well sunday all day i was getting calls from his mom and bro telling me how much we need to be friends... well i...
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Hello. I'm leaving the site. All is well. Keep in touch. You can find me on MySpace. kiss
Your account was used to spy on me. Fucking immature, but I know you aren't at fault. whatever
Hey there ya'll! It's Tiffany... Ashley told me to get on here and let you guys know that she was going to be gone for a little while. She headed down to Corpus to get away for a bit. I talked to her earlier and she said that she wasn't really sure when she'd be back, but if you guys needed her then to call......
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vic is only 2 hours away. you probably drove through here actually.
hey guys... so im on the library comp. thats about the only place i can go now... i might get to go on teen (not kids) today at home.... but i still wont be able to get on this web site... AHHHHHH .... that sucks but im might be moveing up... but yeah.... so all day today, i could only think about getting this new...
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lucky tom wink
Have fun at the lake house. And, good luck getting the truck! smile
ok ... so im still not on my own comp. ... im on noah's right now... but heres what i dont get... Y DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO LIKE THE STRAIGHT GIRLS... it nevers fails... any gurl i think is cute and would want to go out with is eaither STRAIGHT or TAKEN... and all the gurls that i KNOW want me... i dont want...
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hang in there honey, you'll meet someone. why don't you try meeting people in the area at gay clubs?
in dallas, you can go to sue ellen's and right next door is village. both places are awesome.
in ft. worth, there is a gay country bar called best friends.
check em out.
my phone should be back on this week, i'll let you know and we can talk love ya miao!!
dorkgirl is right. Be patient and just keep trying. You will find someone. smile
hey guys.... so im sorry about not posting alot lately (lisa smile...).... but i have been pretty much kicked off of aol... yeah im still on... but my bitch of a mother put me on kids... so i cant do ANYTHING... im on my friends/co-workers comp right now... tom. iam suppose to be able to use tiff's ... but not for sure.... im so fucking...
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Hello. I'm sorry to hear about your computer issues. You're 18 now, but as long as you live with your parents, you have to live by their rules. But, you may have some room for negotiation. smile

While things seem challenging now, they are not as grim as they appear. Hang in there and be patient. It sounds like you're not really willing to let go of your friendships and you may want to make amends. Just realize that no friendship or relationship is perfect. But, you have to know when to pull the plug.

Hope you're able to post again soon. Please keep us posted. We're here for you. smile
i keep haveing this sex dream about this gurl named jessica... (she was my first GIRL kiss)... but i havent talked to her in about a yr... i would say... but she is the one all this drama is going on about that made me found out how much amanda has been betraying me... but these dreams have started b4 all the drama started... i...
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Hey Girl, What took you so long to join? Well, I'm glad you are here. See ya around. -jenn
hey man, you need to do some more posting!!!
so ok... to fill you all in... i have lost a best friend(john)... bc he dosent belive what i say... of couse he believes his gurl friend(meahgan)... but me and meg say they same thing of... nothing happened and that is what should matter.... but hey ... my b/f tiffany has been haveing a BAD month...i went and spent the day with her .. it...
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Well, have a good day then. smile

Hugs and kisses. kiss
ive lost friends like that before and it blows but sometimes its a way to see how much a friendship means to someone
Hey ... first time here.... checking everything out... i will fill in all my info later... if you got any advice just tell me... smile ...
hey there winner lady. glad to have you aboard. smile
hey there winner lady. glad to have you aboard. smile