So I'm home, back in the warm soft comfy home. I forgot what people who wear ranglers and cow boys hats for real and not for fun, look like.
It's nice being home, I missed it.
My family was ok, for the most part.
My dad was overly amused about getting me drunk. And it was strange sitting in a hiphop club, in a small...
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It's nice being home, I missed it.
My family was ok, for the most part.
My dad was overly amused about getting me drunk. And it was strange sitting in a hiphop club, in a small...
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welcome to the girls only group!

Well I'm with the family... at least part of it, Friday will bring the rest.
It's odd, sleeping on the couch, feeling like i don't belong, don't fit in the house i grew up in. I really feel like I don't have a home to go back to here. Both of my parents homes seem off to me. I cna't get comfortable in there homes....
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It's odd, sleeping on the couch, feeling like i don't belong, don't fit in the house i grew up in. I really feel like I don't have a home to go back to here. Both of my parents homes seem off to me. I cna't get comfortable in there homes....
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do tell where the adventure took place.