(With holding her name to protect freinds and family)
The funeral is friday. I don't wanna go, I didnt know her very well. I keep thinking Johnny needs people to go, to help him make it threw it.
He hasn't voiced that. I shouldn't assume. you know the whole when you assume you make an ass out of you and me.
I can't stop thinking...
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The funeral is friday. I don't wanna go, I didnt know her very well. I keep thinking Johnny needs people to go, to help him make it threw it.
He hasn't voiced that. I shouldn't assume. you know the whole when you assume you make an ass out of you and me.
I can't stop thinking...
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Ok... What the fuck is going on?
When did someone pick up my snowglobe world and shake up all the snow?
I'm not kidding, how did things turn upside down and inside out, so quickly?
Things have changed. sorta, not really, but it's coming. Johnny isn't gonna be the same. ever.
Things are gonna be uneas fyor awhile, and thats strange, none of us knew...
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When did someone pick up my snowglobe world and shake up all the snow?
I'm not kidding, how did things turn upside down and inside out, so quickly?
Things have changed. sorta, not really, but it's coming. Johnny isn't gonna be the same. ever.
Things are gonna be uneas fyor awhile, and thats strange, none of us knew...
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hey lady im sorry your having a ruff time
I was wondering if you wanted to join the panty exchange thats going around SG? its really kinda fun and in the end you get 36 new pairs of undies and only have to send out one and find 6 new friends to join in

I was wondering if you wanted to join the panty exchange thats going around SG? its really kinda fun and in the end you get 36 new pairs of undies and only have to send out one and find 6 new friends to join in

*hopes you feel better soon* sometimes you just sort of have to hang on for dear life.
o damn... makes me soooo hungry.
mmm mmmm....I want bento now!
So I admit it... I love Bolloywood musicals/movies/everything.
I can't help it, they are so happy. They are four hours long and I love every moment.
My buddie works at an Indian store that rents bollywood movies. I rented movies for the first time today. And this means no more rushing to try and cetch IFC bollywood night. Not for me!
I have a membership......
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I can't help it, they are so happy. They are four hours long and I love every moment.
My buddie works at an Indian store that rents bollywood movies. I rented movies for the first time today. And this means no more rushing to try and cetch IFC bollywood night. Not for me!
I have a membership......
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ok im going to sound clueless but whats Bolloywood
:embarrassed amy:

Thou shall not covet thy neighbors cat.... Right?
I'm an awful person. I wasnt to steal our neighbors cat and she wants to be taken.
She wants to be my cat, she won't leave me door step. She wants to live with me! So it's really not catnapping right?
Her name is Popeye. Shes probly the meanest looking cat ever. But thats what makes her...
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I'm an awful person. I wasnt to steal our neighbors cat and she wants to be taken.
She wants to be my cat, she won't leave me door step. She wants to live with me! So it's really not catnapping right?
Her name is Popeye. Shes probly the meanest looking cat ever. But thats what makes her...
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loveable cats are the best. usually they have an attitude, and want to be pet when they want to be pet and no more. but i think that's why i like them so much. they're not afraid to tell you to leave them alone.
and when you're sad, they seem to know, and they come up to you and let you know it'll all be alright.
and when you're sad, they seem to know, and they come up to you and let you know it'll all be alright.
dude your hair is so rad.
So I could lie to you, and tell you that me and my dad have a this awsome, wonderful bond. But then I would be a liar, and no one likes a liar.
My dad and me, we didn't get along for a very long time. I'm not sure we do now, it's just we don't spend enough time together to fight. mostly.
My dad...
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My dad and me, we didn't get along for a very long time. I'm not sure we do now, it's just we don't spend enough time together to fight. mostly.
My dad...
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this is all really powerful stuff.
I taught myself to knit.
I'm pretty proud of myself. I made a hat, granted its not the coolest or best hat in the world. But I made it, all by myself, just me and my hands.
I'm going to try and make a scarf now. I bought the book Stich 'n' Bitch. I really like it, the book is very helpful and has some...
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I'm pretty proud of myself. I made a hat, granted its not the coolest or best hat in the world. But I made it, all by myself, just me and my hands.
I'm going to try and make a scarf now. I bought the book Stich 'n' Bitch. I really like it, the book is very helpful and has some...
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he he knitting is fun
i tried to learn but i dont have the patience..youll have to nit me something some time
lol my bro knits and is constantly bombarded with orders from friedns i dont htink hes made soemthing for him slef yet lol
I've herd the coolest things about Stich 'n' Bitch
thanks fro adding me as a friedn i love making new friends

i used to knit, but i never knew how to do anything besides make a scarf or something 

My cats name is Oblio.
Shes Oblio the sixth, But she dosen't know it. My Dad can't seem to get over the name Oblio. He's named dogs, cats, even fish Oblio. I know when I was born, the thought more then crossed his mind.
Oblio is almost 21 this year. Shes almost as old as me. however acorriding to her vet, shes one of the...
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Shes Oblio the sixth, But she dosen't know it. My Dad can't seem to get over the name Oblio. He's named dogs, cats, even fish Oblio. I know when I was born, the thought more then crossed his mind.
Oblio is almost 21 this year. Shes almost as old as me. however acorriding to her vet, shes one of the...
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I miss my cat he lives at my mom's house and does a lot of the same things...
I love cats but, I'm allergic to them. I do have a ferret named Fizzy. They will live up to 7 years. Ferrets act like kittens their entire lives. I'd really like to have a descented skunk as a pet...
Well no date on the dreads yet, pretty much Miss Mary said to just give her a ring and its a green light.
I just need about $200 with a tip for Mary, thats not to bad or as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just might take me a week or so to save it up. But it's well worth it.
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I just need about $200 with a tip for Mary, thats not to bad or as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just might take me a week or so to save it up. But it's well worth it.
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It is difficult to let all that go and it seems it is always a work in progress but it feels better to let it go. It really only burdens you.. the others go on and work out their own shit regardless of what you are carrying. The human condition I guess..
Glad to hear it is going well for you.
Glad to hear it is going well for you.
If you looked good with the dreads I'l bet you look awesome without them. Not to say I didn't like the dreads.

***NEWS FLASH*****
It has been decied.
I have made up my mind
The dreads come back.
I have missed them so much I can't stand it. I hate brushing my hair, I loved the way they looked.
So I e-mailed Mary, I'll konw how much and when VERY soon...
I am Very Happy. *does the happy butt wiggle dance all over the room.*
I'll keep...
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It has been decied.
I have made up my mind
The dreads come back.
I have missed them so much I can't stand it. I hate brushing my hair, I loved the way they looked.
So I e-mailed Mary, I'll konw how much and when VERY soon...
I am Very Happy. *does the happy butt wiggle dance all over the room.*
I'll keep...
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im too big of a chicken to get dreads, but i LOVE how they look. hell, i've never even dyed my hair. *runs and hides*

SCARLET You always have looked hot in your pictures. Are you sure you can improve on perfection?

and i came here to let you know that i love your name!!
and you're cute