First... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANGOVER Stuntbutt! Sorry, but it looks like I got laid on your birthday not you. Thanks BubbleBird for taking care of his drunk ass the entire night... I felt sorry for you as I left to go see Angela. The streak is over, and I couldn't be happier! biggrin
Days 8-10
I made it! I went 240 hours without cheating even the tiniest bit. I havent updated this journal for the last three days, because there really wasnt much to tell. Day 8 was a Saturday for me, and I will admit to a lot of food cravings that day, but it was the circumstance not the cleanse. I spent the morning working on...
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congrats dude. good luck getting back on track and not gorging, haha

p.s. thank you for breakfast!

Today all dogs awoke as they should so today is starting off great. As for an update on yesterday's happenings for the cleanse... I was again not hungry, and again felt good. I seem to be thinking about the strangest things. It's as if my body has sooo much free time from digesting food, that my thoughts wander. I can't remember any of the strange...
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oh that's just straight up sexy.
i'm hoping they all coincide with my fitness obsession. wish me luck!
Todays blog is going up at the end of the day. I really dont have much to report from the day before. I had no hunger pains, and I had no headaches. I did get really tired on my way home from work, so I decided to take a nap. Well the nap lasted for 4 hours. Needless to say I didnt get much done...
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I am very sorry about your dog. Don't give up.
PS Will be starting the Master Cleanse as soon as I get some grocery $.
Today is double hump day, being that its Wednesday so the work week is half over, and today is day 5 of my 10 day minimum goal for the cleanse. So after today is over its all downhill. There really isnt much to tell from yesterday no exciting elimination stories, no real hunger or craving pains, I developed a headache around lunch time yesterday, but...
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pizza party?
The only reason i give a shit is cos i really don't like to hurt his feelings - we were together for 3 years on and off. It's definitely time for us both to move on though as we've exhausted every possible way of making it work. But yeah, life is kinda moving forward now so it's all good i guess - if still a bit painful smile

I'm surprised that you've not really had made hunger pangs. I'd like to try this diet for myself but i worry that I would flake out at work. There's a fair bit of rushing around in my job so I'm not sureif I'd be able to manage without food.
Day 4:

Well, they say that day 3 is the worst. It is supposed to be the day that your body craves food the most, and the start of your detoxification process. This is when the body leaves the storage mode of the starvation cycle. Apparently the body first realizes that its not getting the calories it needs so it tries to hold on to...
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I hope i'm not prying too much, but why aren't you eating???
This has nothing to do with the cleanse, but is really cool!

I, have survived almost 60 hours without solid food of any kind. I can honestly say that I havent had any hunger pains, but I have had cravings for food. Last night while playing Halo with my roommate he ate some of the leftover pizza that we ordered for Friday night. It looked soooooo damn good. It took a solid test of will power not...
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OK, so I want to clear something up from my first post... I am not doing this as a diet, I know it has the added benefit of losing weight, and I welcome that fact, but the main reason I am doing this is, first a test of my will power. Every so often I like to test my ability to keep control of my...
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Beyonce did the master cleanse for 21 days and shes still bodacious. just sayin..haha anyways good for you!! I hope you can make it.
So I decided to partake in the Master Cleanse. Its a body detoxification diet where I drink and eat nothing but a Lemonade of water, fresh squeezed lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for a minimum of 10 days. Sounds gross, and I havent really had a chance to try it yet, so I will let you know but I am going...
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i think you look good the way you are.
Honestly bro, this shit is not good for your body, i dont care what that fucking book says.
I am not a registered dietitian, but i worked in weight loss long enough to know these diets give you temporary at best results and can be really dangerous.

Luckily you arent really overweight for this to be a serious risk but its still not good for you. Our bodies were not designed to drink liquids only for 10 days straight.

Good luck, be safe.