So I'm updating. woohoo.
Bad mood. Feel kinda crappy from too much drink...
Pissy roomates. Annoying work situation.
Bad family mojo...
And all the people I want to talk to about all this shit are too wrapped up in their own lives. Can't be mad at them cause they really don't know about the stuff, but it still rankles that certain...
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Bad mood. Feel kinda crappy from too much drink...
Pissy roomates. Annoying work situation.
Bad family mojo...
And all the people I want to talk to about all this shit are too wrapped up in their own lives. Can't be mad at them cause they really don't know about the stuff, but it still rankles that certain...
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So Wed. is poetry day here, right? Or was that a one time thing? Bah, I don't care. Gonna go for a spur of the moment thingie...
It wasn't a real kiss
But savored anyway
like a crust of bread for a starving man
the quality isn't important, it's the sustenance
wanting things that others throw away
without a second thought
things that so many...
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It wasn't a real kiss
But savored anyway
like a crust of bread for a starving man
the quality isn't important, it's the sustenance
wanting things that others throw away
without a second thought
things that so many...
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You made sense. The film is lovely and sensuous. I just felt such a lack of empathy for anyone but Alex, which struck me as disturbing.
This is about the recent kiss?
This is about the recent kiss?
I'm glad you are reasonable 

So there's this girl... I think she's been flirting with me... She even kissed me this evening... (Course she was kissing lots of folks...) And the conversation(albiet a bar one) was kinda interesting... Problem is that she seems even more fucked up than I am... I've said repeatedly that al I reallty want is someone who is t least only a *little* more emotionally screwed...
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Of course the tiara is tarnished!
Maybe I'm more disturbed that it wasn't the sex scenes turning me on. Well, they did, but uh...the other stuff did as well. Of course the movie is filled with homoerotic undertones when it's violent. Maybe it's that.
Maybe I'm more disturbed that it wasn't the sex scenes turning me on. Well, they did, but uh...the other stuff did as well. Of course the movie is filled with homoerotic undertones when it's violent. Maybe it's that.
Thanks for the apology, I sincerely appreciate it.
Life is something that can suck hard at times, eh?
So I'm in a pissy mood.
Fuck you if you don't like it.
Life is something that can suck hard at times, eh?
So I'm in a pissy mood.
Fuck you if you don't like it.

i like you
i like you
parts of this poem has been running through my head off and on for a few hours now... Here's where it's going...
My Lover's Skin
The taste of my lover's skin is borrowed.
Leather and steel.
spice and iron
The taste of my lover's skin stuns me
Lavender and cream
Cinnamon and strawberries
The taste of my lover's skin is clean and crisp
I wish...
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My Lover's Skin
The taste of my lover's skin is borrowed.
Leather and steel.
spice and iron
The taste of my lover's skin stuns me
Lavender and cream
Cinnamon and strawberries
The taste of my lover's skin is clean and crisp
I wish...
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yah... it's definitely a work in progress... Going for no gender specificity... Want it to refer to a man or woman... I guess it's more noted for myself than anything else... Christ, poetry is not my forte'.. I always sound like a bad Jim Morrison impersonator or Dr. Seuss... We'll see how this ends up...
This one....yeah...makes sense to me.
And you are probably right about Haunted, but there was a sentiment I needed to express. And if I had used my own words, there would have been far too much profanity.
And you are probably right about Haunted, but there was a sentiment I needed to express. And if I had used my own words, there would have been far too much profanity.
Net connection spotty... Nasty storm blew through yesterday evening... Router power supply dead... Ethernet plug on cablemodem dead.
Home phone not working either..
Time-Warner Cable Customer support is annoying to say the very least...
And don't get me started on Dell... You'd think they could have an online payment option... Y'know, cause they sell FREAKING COMPUTERS!!!
Home phone not working either..
Time-Warner Cable Customer support is annoying to say the very least...
And don't get me started on Dell... You'd think they could have an online payment option... Y'know, cause they sell FREAKING COMPUTERS!!!

Ok. I'm officially sick of my profile picture. Now comes the effort of replacing it with one that freakin fits wihout stretching. And doesn't make me look like an axe murderer.

I have medications...they sort of work. I can sleep about 6 hours on them. But I have such a deficit going now...
Thank you for the music suggestions. I shall try.
Thank you for the music suggestions. I shall try.
Really, REALLY weird place for this, but read it anyway.
HST for Prez!!!!!
HST for Prez!!!!!

I see Elvis as a puppet for my world domination plan.
So the difference between quirk and kink is sex innit? Dunno why, but that thought just popped into my head... Seeing a theme here ? Things entering my head unbidden...
The other day I was struck by the memory of an old crush... Someone form middle and high school.. Someone with a relatively unique name... Someone it shouldn't be too hard to track down...
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The other day I was struck by the memory of an old crush... Someone form middle and high school.. Someone with a relatively unique name... Someone it shouldn't be too hard to track down...
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Damn, you're right. Everything is insane, but love. Thank you for illuminating me!
There is definitely something to this.
We seem to spend much of our time pondering.
There is definitely something to this.
We seem to spend much of our time pondering.
Oh, you're BAD....
So once again poetry invades my brain. Gotta type it or it hurts. Pardon me if it blows...
Spinning around makes my head swim
I can't understand how the world works when is goes by so fast
I want to stop but my feet are rebels.
If my body obeyed me, I'd rule you all.
Spinning around makes my head swim
I can't understand how the world works when is goes by so fast
I want to stop but my feet are rebels.
If my body obeyed me, I'd rule you all.
I believe in balance. I think. I'm pretty sure.
Brain invasion is an interesting concept...
How have you been?
[Edited on Aug 05, 2003]
Brain invasion is an interesting concept...
How have you been?
[Edited on Aug 05, 2003]
Yeah, I've had some similar experiences lately. More sighs.
I get the disturbing images, too, but I tend to be very, very quiet about them. Maybe I should stop. Maybe I should be loud...
I get the disturbing images, too, but I tend to be very, very quiet about them. Maybe I should stop. Maybe I should be loud...
So I started reading Magfgie Estep's crime novel "Hex" and am enjoying the everliving fuck out iof it... Try her website... The front page poem is a masterpiece...
Oops... ain't on the front page... It's here-

Oops... ain't on the front page... It's here-

well i can't play everything every show..
So what a fucking shock. Little georgie prez decides to come out against gay marriage... Right after the publicization of a poll that shows approval for homosexual marriage and homosexuals in general is down abit...
What a fucking shock... He really didn't care about voter's will when the supremes could give him the gift of the "free" world's leadership...
Fucking asshole.
What a fucking shock... He really didn't care about voter's will when the supremes could give him the gift of the "free" world's leadership...
Fucking asshole.

Besides the obvious?
(And yes, I know this feeling you describing. It makes me tired sometimes)