OK! Here we go!
I've decided to give up on aforementioned boy, cause... well... really, do I have to re-list things? Let me just conclude my previous stream of consciousness by saying, he's really a great guy- just a little clueless when it comes to how a guy should treat a girl. By girl, I mean the classy dame that is me. haha... <----- humble, eh? Also, big words for a girl who's nekkid on the mighty interwebs... but whatever. Next... I'm going to Miami to hang out with my big sister, one Ms. Alexis. I'm super stoked, and luckily she knows me well enough to know, that if I'm not floating around the hotel room somewhere... baby's at the beach. I don't give a shit how much punk rockers tend to avoid the light... I'm a beach bum above all else.. I surf, I lounge, I read, I turn over, I find bar... I can also pick a fight, run from Johnny Law and drink whiskey with the best of them, so my cool points balance out somewhere in the middle. haha.. fuck yeah tangent. Oh.. random.. but I went to sell an ad today, to this little place that just bakes cupcakes, and ended up volunteering to help bake this weekend..... haha go figure. I'm a sucker for baking. That's it. Gotta go. High-fives.
I've decided to give up on aforementioned boy, cause... well... really, do I have to re-list things? Let me just conclude my previous stream of consciousness by saying, he's really a great guy- just a little clueless when it comes to how a guy should treat a girl. By girl, I mean the classy dame that is me. haha... <----- humble, eh? Also, big words for a girl who's nekkid on the mighty interwebs... but whatever. Next... I'm going to Miami to hang out with my big sister, one Ms. Alexis. I'm super stoked, and luckily she knows me well enough to know, that if I'm not floating around the hotel room somewhere... baby's at the beach. I don't give a shit how much punk rockers tend to avoid the light... I'm a beach bum above all else.. I surf, I lounge, I read, I turn over, I find bar... I can also pick a fight, run from Johnny Law and drink whiskey with the best of them, so my cool points balance out somewhere in the middle. haha.. fuck yeah tangent. Oh.. random.. but I went to sell an ad today, to this little place that just bakes cupcakes, and ended up volunteering to help bake this weekend..... haha go figure. I'm a sucker for baking. That's it. Gotta go. High-fives.
Hope you have fun in Fla, unclad big word girl.

i missed something. who do you sell advertising for?