I finally decided to stop railing against the coffee shops and simply take matters into my own hands. Soooo... i bought a cheapo expresso machine and did the math. Now for the record, I've got alot of time on my hands at the moment, Derby had a week off, and the boys out of town. So it's been just me & the dog, and I think he's actually getting sick of all the attention. Anddddd enter espresso machine calculations. I discovered that all I have to do is make 12 lattes, and the machine paid for itself. Whaddya know.. .today is lattee #3, so I'm well on my way. The cool thing was, that I didn't have to wait in line, I didn't have to deal with other people and there morning cheer.... I just got to stand in my jammies, with sleep rumpled hair, watching the news- while the machine did it's thang. Sweet. I feel liberated from "the man" hahah.... on the downside, there's a street musician doing his best imitation of the Jimmy Hendrix, outside my office right now. It's a bit early to rocking the caspa buddy.... huh, apparantly I'm not the only one who thinks that since his solo just came to a screeching halt. hah
Miss Liberated Latte
Miss Liberated Latte
As far as the ump, the major leagues have to get their crappy umpires from somewhere.