Oh my god... so the joys of having this here new fangled laptop, is that in the morning I can multi-task. I'm having coffee right now, with breakfast, in the kitchen while listening to the news (on TV.. I'm OVER talk radio haha) and in the wonderful world today, I just over heard a segment about roommates going to jail for beating there other roommate with a frying pan, a belt and some other random object... reason for the beating you may wonder? Offending roommate hadn't been ponying up and doing chores. Umm.. ok........ whuuuttt? First off, kudos on bringing back the forgotten art of beating someone with a frying pan. Not only did I think that it was cartoons who held exclusive rights to the whole frying pan to the head gig.. but I thought they sort of let that idea of torture fade away do to the possiblity of it corrupting our apparantly super sensitive youth of america. So well done there- viva la revival... but (and this is what gets me) in what planet does someone turn to there roommate and say "You know what? Jimmy Jo Blow here isn't been pulling his weight, take this belt... I'm gonna go grab a frying pan... let's give Jimmy Jinglehinmerschmit the beating of his life time" and the other roommate not only being on board with the idea... but possibly saying something like "YEAH- that'll teach ol Jimmy to forget to do his his dishes" and then commence with aforementioned ass whooping. I didn't catch the location of all this, but I'm willing to bet it's in middle america somewhere... you know, the same place that brings us the wonderful world of wide awake yet run down tweakers..... corn, and well, that's about all I can think of right now. I should take this moment to issue this a disclaimer... I know that there's some more stuff that's sprung up from mid america.... I'm just hung over and can't think of anything beyond the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame... which i THINK is in Oh-HIya Marge... hahah..... anyway, so don't give me a hard time or I'll call up the brainiacs from the first paragraph rant to track you down with a rolling pin and get there freak on. hahha.. I think that's going to be my new thing, randomly issuing threats with kitchen appliances. Scary gems such as "you don't want to mess with me.... I've got one hell of a kitchenaid mixer.. i'll mess you up reals good" or "oh hellll no you didn't.... don't make me get my spatula!" hahahah Well.... *shaking head* ummm.. ahem... I've got no idea what the fuck i'm talking about BUT I'm happy to report that my head decided to stop pounding.. which is nice. HAHA.. talk about over stated simplicity eh?
Also, I think you're kind of hot.