I dreamt about Venal last night. Not the strangest dream I've ever had, but one of the coolest considering her cameo performance
I dream a lot and I remember them, usually. Sometimes I get confused about whether something really happened or not because I dreamt it. I have some really weird dreams, stuff like my friends are vampires or my body is turning inside... Read More
um, ok. New layout. I feel like I'm walking down the Barbie aisle at Toys R Us. It's a bit poncy, isn't it ? It's also a bit 'busy'.. too much happening and too much and stuff and it's just a bit wrong. waah.
To be honest, I'm going through a bit of a rough time personally so I'm keeping to myself... Read More
Severed heads in the fridge... now there's a thought...
My fave beach is in Portugal. Santa Maria, it's a tiny little bay tucked in between some fantastic rocks and you have to climb down some windy little cuts to get to it and then the steps cut into the rocks... The sort of place where you walk onto and the few people there feel like you have discovered their secret
I do like the walk from Coogee to Bondi, the bit where the cliff path cuts through the cemetary is wicked... Need to explore more beaches, I'm always happy by/on or in the sea...
first thing I do when I get home usually, is pet one of my kitties.... he always welcomes me home.....then I run to the bathroom....well won't give you any details there...you know
boob rubbing is good indeed! hope you feel better sweetie
Ya know how sometimes you hear someone's voice without seeing them and you melt like a .. melty.. thing? I ADMIT IT, I HAVE A VOICE FETISH.
My latest voice-crush is Jack Johnson - ::drool:: I don't even want to know what he looks like, he could make love to me by reading out his shopping list.
Mr Vagabond just reminded me that the most unholy of days is almost upon us. NEW YEARS EVE!@ :cue psycho stabbing music: ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! (again with the screaming)
So much pressure. So much "gotta be doing something better than ever before". The last few NYE's have been a huge debacle - obviously having just been divorced, there was that whole... Read More
Nothing's finer than sitting at home on said nite, and ignoring it all.
NYE sucks. Last time I attended anything to do with it, someone got stabbed in the face with a broken bottle over who got to a fucking cab first. The mind boggles...
The worst part about having holidays is that it reminds me of having time off with my ex husband. Of doing stuff together, of all that cool shit that couples do and the fun and the ARGUING and the fighting and the slamming of doors and .. yeah. Well the first part anyway. It's times like these that I miss not having a Thingy to... Read More
I did see her boobies.... *sigh* to be 19 again and to ahve boobs that stang up..... heh....
beyonce made me more than moist..... she literally made my eyes to this and my tongue hangs out and I start literally drooling on myself... omg! I might need to go fiddle now before work
I only went to the show cause Alina's working there and I wanted to hang out with her. The chairlift blew off it's thing while I was there. Woo! I bring danger with me wherever I go!
It's a beautiful day! No time for being indoors! Go! Go now!
I'm feeling kinda sad today but I refuse to let it ruin my day. I think today is a "put your favorite undies on" day and I'm going to force myself to skip everywhere.
How cool is Scylla's Army of Darkness top! I want one!
I haven't got back to everyone who left messages in my journal. I'm a terrible person and you should all hug me - passionately and continously - til I do the right thing.
Tommorrow night I'm going to see twin prem babies at the hospital. Apparently they look like fraggles and I'm going to try not to fixate on that idea or I'll have evil... Read More
urm yeah... I'm tkaing all my medicine and its going away slowly.... the heat that was coming off it.. was fucking terrible.. anyway... its all good now!
wow.. letter sin the mail mwahahah I ahve your address now you cant stop me from sending you random things in the mail
Some stupid barnowl parked across the driveway leading to my building's carpark. Given that I'm tired and grumpy and I was STARVING, I sat there with my hand on the horn til they came running out and moved it. And even as they were driving off, I gave them the long "getfuckedyoufuckingcuuuuuunt" horn action.
bah! giving the impression of being a psycho is a good thing Kaf, keeps people on their toes. It gives you an edge and a bizarre kind of unearned respect in the community... well I find anyhow. Take it, embrace it and use for evil doings!
hopefully see around the joint huh