First of all, thanks to everyone for their kind words in my comment. I got a little too lazy to respond to everyone, but thanks guys. Although I wasn't happy at all that he ignored me completely at the last Firday night dinner, I've been doing better since then. But it's therapy day tomorrow, where I get to drag it up all over again
I see her bi-weekly, and it always seems that the shit happens the week I don't see.
I've got another situation now, but i'm more annoyed/bemused than hurt. It turns out my two theater partners for my scene in acting class are the very two people in class that are THE most difficult to work with. And I don't mean diffiuclt like I'm some diva constantly picking at the way they say their lines, but in that the rest of the class feels utmost sympathy for me that I have to work with them.
They are basically two polar opposited on the Pole of Deep Annoyance. One has extremely low self esteem and will get hostile at the most mild constructive criticism, does cartoon voices when you do not want to hear cartoon voices, and half the time is "like, too sick to work". Basicly he's not retarded but has severe social issues and doesn't know how to act around people. Meanwhile the other guy is admittingly talented but has WAY too much self esteem! He has this fucking mentor complex, like I'm so lucky to be hearing his words of wisdom. And when he goes all "mentor" there is nothing I can say to get out of it that will make him shut up. And somehow he has it in his head that since he's 23 and I'm 19, somehow I'm all youthfull naivette whereas he's worldy and experienced so I should be looking up to him for guidance
Anywho, when the project is done I know that those two will be perfect fodder for a David Sedaris type story, but for now they prove that there are so many wonderful ways to be an annoying fuckwad, part of the whole fuckwad rainbow
At least the weather is pretty damn nifty. Some other good shit; I reserved my plane ticket to visit my friend in DC over the summer, my brother is out of the hospital, I re-orginized some of my massive bookshelf space to make room, and last saturday I took in my first male strip club. I'm such a female chauvinist pig

I've got another situation now, but i'm more annoyed/bemused than hurt. It turns out my two theater partners for my scene in acting class are the very two people in class that are THE most difficult to work with. And I don't mean diffiuclt like I'm some diva constantly picking at the way they say their lines, but in that the rest of the class feels utmost sympathy for me that I have to work with them.
They are basically two polar opposited on the Pole of Deep Annoyance. One has extremely low self esteem and will get hostile at the most mild constructive criticism, does cartoon voices when you do not want to hear cartoon voices, and half the time is "like, too sick to work". Basicly he's not retarded but has severe social issues and doesn't know how to act around people. Meanwhile the other guy is admittingly talented but has WAY too much self esteem! He has this fucking mentor complex, like I'm so lucky to be hearing his words of wisdom. And when he goes all "mentor" there is nothing I can say to get out of it that will make him shut up. And somehow he has it in his head that since he's 23 and I'm 19, somehow I'm all youthfull naivette whereas he's worldy and experienced so I should be looking up to him for guidance

Anywho, when the project is done I know that those two will be perfect fodder for a David Sedaris type story, but for now they prove that there are so many wonderful ways to be an annoying fuckwad, part of the whole fuckwad rainbow

At least the weather is pretty damn nifty. Some other good shit; I reserved my plane ticket to visit my friend in DC over the summer, my brother is out of the hospital, I re-orginized some of my massive bookshelf space to make room, and last saturday I took in my first male strip club. I'm such a female chauvinist pig

Happy bday

hey so you're into judaism and theater..looks like we have something in common...I'm jewish and in my fourth and last year of theater design...