Without photoshop on one's computer, how the hell do you get a photo formatted to the right size so it's not blurry as hell?
Nothing much going on, just losing the battle with mid-semester "I'm outta here!" brain syndrome, where my brain decides it doesn't want to do this shit anymore and I'm left sitting at a blank Word document thinking "Now what?"
Just as I was wishing a violent death on whoever would purchase anything from concessions 2 minutes before closing and we have everything counted, along wanders in two latecomers who spend several minutes trying to decide what to get and demanding that i put lots and lots and lots of butter on their fucking large popcorn. Now I try to be sweet and cheery to... Read More
hmmm. well consider your self granted one theory cookie. you can eat them in theory only. I am sad to say I am neither lanky nor british nor skinny. I think I am the poposit of everything youlike!! talk about a challenge
I used to work concession stands in college myself; it was a fun job but coudl be rough sometimes. OF course, now I''m a teacher which is even more stressful
Remember, no matter how much you want to kill a customer, it never pays off. Its not fair, sadly enough, but just think: someday you will be out of school and making lots of money, and they won't! Ha Ha!
Saw Thumbsucker the other day. Sweet baby torgo, can there ever be an indie movie where they talk like real people? I really regret not seeing Mirrormask.
But I did see a midnight show of this porn called Disco Dolls in Hot Skin. In 3D no less The best part was being able to see it with a friend with benefits. Proves true the Margaret... Read More
I landed myself a job at the Plaza Frotenac movie theater, which kicks ass beyond belief. It's hard on my feet, but easy on the eyes- the vast majority of my co-workers are sexy-ass movie geeks.
The training videos (made for all movie theaters nationwide) were narrarated by the guy who hosts Blind Date, which is amusing enough, but the Sexual Harassment tape is in... Read More
Sorry, somehow I missed your last update! I always look forward to your journals because they're so rare and interesting.
Well anyway this line cracked me up: "I'll sort of hiccup and I want to laugh so much cause the more I think about it the funnier it is and OY gweivan!"
LOL I love professor Frink! And I know which episode you are talking about, it's a good one. "Clown college? You can't eat that." LOL
Congrats on the new job! I hope you have fun there and get laid- oops, I mean meet a nice movie geek.
Glad to hear you landed a job that it sounds like you will like. Now I have someone else to try to keep me up to date on new movies. I just ohpe things don't go too much like the theater job in ghost world.
I planned to go to bed early tonight cause I have a 9:00 class.
VH1's I Love the 70s was on tonight. It was evil and put a spoke in my scheme cause I'm a complete 70s fetishist, and everything about that decade makes me happy and that particular I Love The... is my absolute favorite.
I haven't seen Animal House in it's entirety yet.... Read More
I've been doing glass beadmaking over an open flame for at least a month, so really, I'm surprised I lasted this long without burning myself.
My middle and index finger brushed into the flame when I was making an incense holder, and while it hurt like a mofo, the ladies at the bead shop were really helpfull. The aloe plant helped alot, but I hated... Read More
Ouch. I used to cook pizzas at home all the time, and burned myself many many times pulling them out of the oven.
LOL I love the early and middle seasons of the simpsons. The new ones have lost their touch, but the classics will always remain classics!
And sorry to hear about the joblessness. That is so frustrating! I hate not getting a job. It's the ultimate humbling experience. After presenting yourself to be judged by a total stranger and answering their silly questions, you sit and wait with hope and fear in your heart... only to get a form letter saying basically "we hired someone younger and dumber than you".
Can you tell I've been rejected before also? You're not the only one who's bitter!
So anyway... what else is new with you? It's been a while since I've seen you on here.
I just saw The Aristocrats tonight, and decided that in the unlikely event of my life being turned into a movie, Sarah Silverman is the only one I would entrust playing me.
I just had the best pancake of my life today. I didn't know it was possible for a pancake to kick so much ass, but it did, as few pancakes have had such a deliciously pastry-like texture that was pure perfection. I think I'm spoiled for all other pancakes now.
Sorry I haven't checked in in forever!! I wouldn't be surprised if we've met someplace or at least seen each other around. St. Louis is really a small town. How cool that your dad is pres of PFLAG!!!! I'm out to everyone in my fam as "bi" except my dad. His side of the family is the more Republican one, 'nuff said.
I can't wait to read the Half Blood Prince! I hear most people are getting through it in about 2 days or so! I'm such a slow reader-- things that size I actually try to listen to on tape or CD. And the accents are quite cool on the books on CD as well! They're read by the guy who was the tonic salesman in the old Pete's Dragon movie, the one who tries to steal the dragon for his own nefarious ends.
If you're a Harry Potter-head you know why I'm just about bursting.
holyfuck. HOLY fuck. Holy FUCK!!!!!!!!
Less than 24 hours...... ohhhhh holy crap.... cant fucking believe it's almost here... two long years of waiting.... oh manohmanohe=dfhjsdkfhdjhjxjhjksdjkji!!!!!!!!
Well one of the annoying guys got kicked out of class for good when he got uppity with the teacher one too many times. And this wasn't heroic uppity by any means, but the "Excuse me, this material is beneath me" kind. No one in my class could blame the teacher one bit.... Read More
WOW! It's great to hear from you! It's been forever. That sucks about the guys bailing after the first dates... that's sorta happened to me twice in a row, after breaking up with my girlfriend a few months ago.
I agree! I think comic artists should be more highly regarded. But I do think they are getting some recognition finally. What with the success of all these superhero movies.
I love calvin and hobbes!!! Such a thoughtful, funny, human, and well-drawn strip.
First of all, thanks to everyone for their kind words in my comment. I got a little too lazy to respond to everyone, but thanks guys. Although I wasn't happy at all that he ignored me completely at the last Firday night dinner, I've been doing better since then. But it's therapy day tomorrow, where I get to drag it up all over again I... Read More
This guy at Hillel I had had a crush on, well we finally got to talking and hit it off, had a lot in common, he seemed interested, etc. We go on a date which culiminates in a lengthy makeout session, and I wasn't sure if he was "saving himself" or anything (he's Orthodox) so I... Read More
I had a friend and roommate once who used to do that to women a lot. He pursued them quite agressively, and when she was ready to take the clothes off, he had some problem about it moving too fast and he'd want to be friends with them then never talk to them again.
Then he finally admitted to himself that he's gay, and his relationships with men have been pretty normal.
Don't be mad or angry at yourself. His sudden decision that things were going too fast could have been for any number of reasons that may or may not make any sense.
It's not your fault that men can't recognize a good thing when it drops in front of their faces.
That should edit pictures, regardless of how dumb the name is.,