This weekend, I cleaned. I'm talking about the sort of cleaning that involves getting down on your hands and knees with an old toothbrush and scrubbing the crevices you didn't even realize were there. I was mercilessly thorough, and the kitchen is sparkling. No one can say I ever do a half-assed job of ANYTHING.

we also went to the bookstore to check out travel...
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Hey pretty girl! I love your pictures skull
i did the same thing this weekend. (the cleaning, not the falling down)
ok, I do not normally develop celebrity crushes at all, but I'm currently head over heels for scarlett johansson. purrr. I actually found myself looking at a celebrity fansite tonight to see pictures of her, ack!

k's making veggie tacos now and we're going to have ice cream with my berry sauce for dessert. yum yum yum. there's nothing like food so spicy it makes...
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I cant figure out if its the voice or lips. I watched lost in translation for the 3 time last night and i was trying to figure it out.Screw Caddy Shack Bill.
I feel like baking cinnamon rolls today.

job interviews are hard. especially when you know you'd be great at it, but you feel like a dork just plain saying so, because that's what EVERYONE says. heh.

time to put on some lou reed records and clean the apartment a bit. I plan to have another productive day, then go out and enjoy the sunshine while...
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I think my kitty needs therapy. She keeps getting beat up up by my other cat. frown
wow, the show last night sucked. actually, I have no idea if the show sucked or not because we didn't stay long enough to see any of it. it was (1) way over capacity and scary and hard to breathe and hot and (2) raining both inside and out and (3) the power kept going out. we paid our money, stayed for about ten miserable...
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What were you attending?
wheeee. my back was hurting so much today that I had to take a vicodin when I got home. I made coconut curry and now I am blissfully relaxed.

I'm currently reading Hayden Herrera's biography of Frida Kahlo, and it is just amazing. She was such a fascinating woman, I cannot put the book down. The portions dealing with her accident were painful to read,...
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Hi, I just signed up today, I was browseing the SG sight and You caught my eye. That show you mentioned (Apocalipstick) sounds cool. Could you tell me were it is, if you don't mind.


[Edited on Feb 21, 2004 7:12AM]
I need a haircut pretty badly.

I have received roses from two different people in the last two days. I fell in love with a bouquet of pale pink and hot pink and sterling roses at the farmer's market and fred bought them for me on our lunch break. then this morning, walter showed up at work and handed me three white roses tinged with...
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Who or what is Lucha va voom. It sounds like a latin car wrestling program that should be broadcast on PBS. Ahhh PBS dementing the minds of children for a very long time.

I hope you are meeting people. Ok Im going to walk away whistling the theme song to Miami Vice now. shocked
Lucha was awsome!!!!!!!!! email me next time miao!!
oops, I haven't written here for a long time. I've been super duper busy the last couple months.

I'm blonde again, I can't remember if I mentioned that before? I will post a pic in my pics section. I think I will keep it like this. I really need a haircut though.

I'm currently reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn....
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hey, so what are you going to grad school for?

...hope everything is going well...

what a good idea about the biscotti. i should do something nice for the profs who are writing me letters of recomendation for grad school! i can't wait til tomorrow...saturday.
oops. I accidentally deleted some of the people I had listed as friends. I think I requested them all again, but if I forgot someone I promise I didn't do it on purpose.

THANKSGIVING!!!! I went all out at the farmer's market today and am bringing some kick-ass dishes this year. fooood.
Cool food is good ... yum smile
Yikes, I haven't been around much, have I? I'm not sure what happened, I've just been really swamped with the job, various and sundry real life issues.

I'm a blonde again, which is nice. I'm not sure how I got back to this color, but I did it. My six month foray into bright and dark colors was fun, but the debbie harry hair feels...
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Speaking of Chomsky, have you ever read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States of America"?