oh my. Let me tell you about this cheesecake I made at 2AM last night. It has a gingersnap crust, a bottom layer of cheesecake, a middle layer of fresh peach compote, and a top layer of cheesecake. Later, it will be glazed with a peach glazed and garnished with fresh peaches.

We're having a dinner party tonight, so I'm also making broccoli canneloni and...
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happy b-day pretty lady
cats! love the cats! wish i could pet the cats! pointy bras are fine and dandy, but cats..................................!
sick sick sick. I've caught the cold of doom that's been going around my workplace, and it's miserable. My head feels like it's full of fluid. We were supposed to go to RtB last night, but I just couldn't deal with putting on makeup and drinking and socializing. frown

that's it, I'm done complaining! My hope is that today, I will be able to get some...
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hope you feel better
i bet you arent wearing that jacket any more
le tigre was awesome. awe-SOME. Even though the crowd was a little dull, I was bouncing around and singing and having a grand time with the girls around me. They even high-fived me when the set was over. sisterhood, y0.

Burlesquefest last night was pretty fun, there were definitely some impressive acrobatics going on, not to mention the incredibly hot naked ladies.

I'm feeling really...
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sorry posted twice smile

[Edited on Jun 26, 2003]
actually, they were touring. I saw them in LA, though.
1. Yesterday was my last day at working in Glendale. It was sort of awkward. I've only been there a few months and didn't really know who wanted to hug me and who wanted to just shake my hand. Relationships with co-workers are so bizarre. I baked some cookies for Juan to say thank you for all the time he's given to training me. For...
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You know what makes me sad? When you have a little mini crush on someone, and one day they open their mouths to speak and they are just mind-bogglingly stupid. I'm not sure if sadness is an appropriate reaction to stupidity, but it's one I often experience.

I've been feeling very frisky lately. Summer is my favorite season. I loved it even when I lived...
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i wish you were in NY too now, man i wish i were there, the way you described it, never been though. well much love and good luck on having a great summerkiss
you make me miss it and I never lived in the NYC
I had the day off yesterday, and I was busy relaxing. I ran 3.5 miles and averaged a ten minute mile, which is not bad for me. Took a bath, read an interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, baked a rasberry-almond coffee cake, cleaned. Then we had a couple friends over for dinner, which was nice.

showertime. I am so not used to this getting up at...
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always look forward to morning runs. . . my averaged run is 5min mile. . .
I went to the Rose Bowl flea market on sunday and not only did it not improve my farmer's tan, but I guess I missed my cleavage when it came to putting on the sunblock. I now have a bright red patch of sunburn on the top of each breast! ha! But we did buy a gorgeous pair of end tables. And I got this...
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Mmmmm, I made some awesome pad thai tonight. I think I've finally mastered my technique for pan frying tofu.

The best thing that happened to me was on my walk back from the grocery store. On the way there (which is only about a 10 minute walk, mind you), I was harassed by two different cars of men, honking and yelling at me. Lovely, thanks,...
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'sup saraicat,

at the risk of coming off stupid... is that really your picture on the profile or somethin from a magazine? sounds like a dumb line, right... but how many people really pull-of such fresh vintage style? if it's not... well, you're obviously a cool chick anyway. i just joined SG so excuse me for the fopaw(sp?) wudup from, rockboy- a SUICIDE BOY in LA.
yep, it's me. That picture was taken about a year ago or so.
I worked really hard yesterday, but the time went by so fast. I am really liking the new type of work they're having me do, even if it is physically straining. I am awaiting a call from my boss, giving me an offer on doing this job permanently in another location, by the beach. But apparently, she is too busy to call me. Too busy...
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Mmmm, it sounds delicious smile
don't think i have ever tasted a buttenut squash-goat cheese pizza...hmm...something else to do in life...hope you get that job by the beach...wanted to say hi...seeing as how you are a neighbor...take care
darn. For once, I get the sudden urge to get off my ass, put on some makeup, and go out dancing. But it's a monday, and there is nothing to do on mondays except some lousy 80's club at Blue. 80's clubs. Please, that's so 20 years ago.

I am left with no choice but to put The Damned on the ipod and dance around...
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katie and i were having that same discussion last night. lame monday nights. so glad that you decided to get a membership. thanks for helping us out the other day. ; )

no prob! lifting G4s is the only way I've gotten any muscle mass in my arms. wink
I met some strange creatures last night. We went over to Nathan's place to drink and hang out with him and Jojo and some neighbors. Nathan lives in this big industrial loft which is essentially just a long concrete box with a door on one end and a couple windows on the other. Other than the lack of windows, I actually thought it was a...
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hi everyone! I'm sarai (pronounced SAYR-ee). I think naked women are pretty keen.