OMG, I have a date tonight with some guy i met over the weekend. I gave him my number but didnt think he would actually really call me, cause he was SO good looking. He called me last night and asked me if he could make me dinner and take me out, and i was floored. I havent had a date like this since i can even remember, I didnt think that shit like this even exsisted anymore...since i usually go for ASSHOLES. So im already nervous even though its 8:30 in the morning...and im not going over there till 6. I need to Zen out......dammit hes hot. I literally have not been on a real date in over 6 years. Im a freaking dork. Not really much else going on in my exciting life..but that may change very very soon !!!

*Sarah's date was the love of her life. They have been locked away having hot sex for nearly two weeks, or are on their honeymoon.
*Sarah's date was a serial killer and has her locked in a dungeon.