Hello all and good morning.... its wicked cold here in Seattle, i almost fell right on my ass hitting a huge patch of ice this morning ( what a sight that woulda been
) my converse give me no traction, haha!! not much happening in my life.... picked up my roommate last night from the airport and that was interesting to say the least im now working and living off 3 hours of sleep right now. but maybe now her damn chihuahuas will leave me the hell alone....we decided last night to stay in our apartment for another 6 months so we dont have to pay any more fucking deposits so i guess im not leaving my littlecrackerbox, but hey ill make it through....
the work week is almost over and im going to check out a cover band tommorrow night who sing Rod Stewart and Tom Petty, crazy stuff, they all have long curly hair and look like Warrant or some crap but they are pretty fun to listen too, plus i get free drinks so who in there right mind is going to pass that up.
ohhhh and heres the exciting news me and the roommate have planned a trip to texas and we are gonna head down in May, i havent been to texas in awhile and im uber excited to see what hell we can raise. so any of you peeps down there know of anything cool let me know.....its should be a pretty fun trip.
later gaters !
ps: its supposed to snow today here in seattle.... woo woo !!

the work week is almost over and im going to check out a cover band tommorrow night who sing Rod Stewart and Tom Petty, crazy stuff, they all have long curly hair and look like Warrant or some crap but they are pretty fun to listen too, plus i get free drinks so who in there right mind is going to pass that up.
ohhhh and heres the exciting news me and the roommate have planned a trip to texas and we are gonna head down in May, i havent been to texas in awhile and im uber excited to see what hell we can raise. so any of you peeps down there know of anything cool let me know.....its should be a pretty fun trip.
later gaters !
ps: its supposed to snow today here in seattle.... woo woo !!
