i know y'all's been salivatin'.
here it is, all the news that's fit to print:
1) piercing is healing nicely. we are over the scare produced when i emerged from a particularly boisterous round of nose bumping with a cute boy to find a halo of gore surrounding the stud. after a minor panic attack it got all cleaned up. thanks to kwizzle and the other nice and extremely attractive people at chameleon for giving me a little peace of mind.
2) finally got to meet the illustious aoife, who's sharp wit is matched only by her style and general lovliness.
boundcreature and i showed her that we truly put the ass in class, boston style.
3) wednesday was the much anticipated SG burlesque @ the middle east. it has been a long time since i've seen the middle east that packed. it was a standing room only crowd. as Kay_ commented, "an interesting mix of scenesters and computer geeks." which has been pretty much my experience of SG people, not that that's a bad thing. there was also a small but disturbing smattering of drunk frat boy types who i really wanted to kick in the teeth.
an insufferably cute japanese girl punk band called Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re opened up and rocked the house.
the SG ladies put on a splendid show. as a performer i'm amazed by how these women get up on stage and dance and make it all look so damn easy and fun, and do it all topless to boot. that ain't easy to do night after night RE-FUCKIN'-SPECT, GIRLS.
4) at the moment i'm preparing for the big dinner par-tay at pavlik's house. last night ThePants was gracious enough to allow me to feel helpful by doing some of the mongloid-appropriate prep work for the cheese cake he's making. i got to crush up all the grahm crackers for the crust (it was very cathartic) and i even learned how to seperate egg yolks from whites.
after i'm done with this entry i'm going to go work on my contrabution to the entry, 2 buck chuck wine and a bread cheese and fruit plate. ripping up bagettes and arranging fruit is way more at my skill levels.
in other news: kindegartenders+7 days of rain= no fun for teachers
also, i calculated my net salary and nearly cried.
snoop doggy dog needs a second jobby job.
farewell, kittens,
i know y'all's been salivatin'.
here it is, all the news that's fit to print:
1) piercing is healing nicely. we are over the scare produced when i emerged from a particularly boisterous round of nose bumping with a cute boy to find a halo of gore surrounding the stud. after a minor panic attack it got all cleaned up. thanks to kwizzle and the other nice and extremely attractive people at chameleon for giving me a little peace of mind.
2) finally got to meet the illustious aoife, who's sharp wit is matched only by her style and general lovliness.

3) wednesday was the much anticipated SG burlesque @ the middle east. it has been a long time since i've seen the middle east that packed. it was a standing room only crowd. as Kay_ commented, "an interesting mix of scenesters and computer geeks." which has been pretty much my experience of SG people, not that that's a bad thing. there was also a small but disturbing smattering of drunk frat boy types who i really wanted to kick in the teeth.
an insufferably cute japanese girl punk band called Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re opened up and rocked the house.
the SG ladies put on a splendid show. as a performer i'm amazed by how these women get up on stage and dance and make it all look so damn easy and fun, and do it all topless to boot. that ain't easy to do night after night RE-FUCKIN'-SPECT, GIRLS.

4) at the moment i'm preparing for the big dinner par-tay at pavlik's house. last night ThePants was gracious enough to allow me to feel helpful by doing some of the mongloid-appropriate prep work for the cheese cake he's making. i got to crush up all the grahm crackers for the crust (it was very cathartic) and i even learned how to seperate egg yolks from whites.
after i'm done with this entry i'm going to go work on my contrabution to the entry, 2 buck chuck wine and a bread cheese and fruit plate. ripping up bagettes and arranging fruit is way more at my skill levels.
in other news: kindegartenders+7 days of rain= no fun for teachers
also, i calculated my net salary and nearly cried.
snoop doggy dog needs a second jobby job.
farewell, kittens,

what about Rhode Island?