woah... so I pop a sleepy pill... I wake up around 5am feeling a lil groggy, and get ready for work... what I don't remember is drinking 10 beers, falling asleep in my clothes and having a conversation with a friend in Seattle... gatta love it, albeit its rather disturbing that i dont remember shit... oh well. I took over the squad again, without much...
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what pic do u exactly mean??? smile

hanks for the nice words....!!!! kiss
Hmmm... I take ambien and the EXACT same thing happens to me... I black out and wake up the next morning to find nude photos of myself on the internet.... err... something like that. ;-)
mmm.... its early, but i can tell i need sleep.... think im gonna take one of the sleepy pills the nice officer gave me the other day. Didn't sleep last nite... can't... ever since I've gotten back from Iraq, I haven't been able to sleep more than 2 to 4 hours a nite without waking up feeling like theres something I NEED to do... doc...
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solaris, huh? that's pretty sweet.

I write C/C++. My main responsibility is for a library that generates PDF files. RTF was recently added to my load. And I wrote an app that converts a competitor's file format to our file format. most of the stuff I do has to run on OS/390, Solaris, HPUX, Linux, AIX, and Windows. Whew.

the ride right now is still a pipe dream. i've already used most of my vacation for the year. but i'll keep it on the back burner. you ride at all?

good luck on the job hunt. really sounds like you could fit into an MIS dept. pretty well.

r0ck 0n!
... I think im just going to buy a one way ticket to Italy and live there... I wonder how long it would take to get deported =) I'm so sick of california... heh, the taxes, the cost of living... retarded. I can't believe the IRA are throwing in the towel... that's crazy! The world's definately gonna end soon. Oh well... I just wanna see...
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thanks for the info wink

I have an "airforce family", i don't have perfect vision flyin is outta the question, i would just want to jump out of airplanes, and sabatoge shit......... Special forces would kick ass, but really hard to get into........

I dunno though, im just havin one of those days, id probably go to officer traing as i have a 2yr degree wink
hey, just stumbled across you here. thanks for serving, man. glad you made it back intact.
...another day, another vendetta, right? ...so I've been trying to draw up(or have drawn) the stuff i want on my sleeves... its funny b/c i see it perfectly but can't draw it... the artist can draw, but cannot see what im thinking, so i tell him, and he draws--- not the same thing. Oh well... eventually i'll nail it down and start the outlines =)...
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What are you thinking about for your sleeves? What kind of theme?
I think I know what you mean - I'm not into the Sailor Jerry look - I like some of the stuff - but to me it's faded and "old" - I like new school - bright bright colors...

I want something with an asian theme... I spent enough time living in an asian house that I want something to commemorate it... but everything is sort of "old" looking to me too.
...so, I have been unofficially diagnosed with Adult ADD, and been told that I am prone to "fits of mania", all of which i can somewhat concur with... I have a hard time focusing all of my attention on one thing unless it captivates me, and when that happens... its over =)

They say that since I'm a Virgo, that im supposed to be anal...
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ha ha ha ha ha thats great.

1. I have adult ADD and recieve benifits from the state (make sure if u go to school u let them know, you get mad benifits)

2. I tried the same thing on GTA Vice City

3. I dont have any C4 though frown

I totally know what u mean wink biggrin
....back to freakin work... i gatta get outta the army soon... i can't take it!!! Bought a pistola the other day.. HK USP .45... yah know... "to shoot cans with". now i just gatta get to the tattoo parlour for some more love!

"Fuck 'em, I found a new love, my .357, and my best little >>back up, bitch a black smith and wesson!" -Rob...
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thanks for the advice, but blackwater caters to ex-military only, it say 4 year tour of duty, oh well whatever
thansk i love jokes like that they crack me up.
20+ days of leave where i haven't had to do anything... i'm going crazy after spending a year working just about every day and worrying about when I was going to get fuckin blown up.... I guess im just having a hard time adjusting to how society normally operates... I'm not used to having options... most peole won't understand, but when you have a choice...
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Glad to hear u have some time off...... yeah adjusting sux...

Its like when u can have sex everyday, and then boom........ no sex cause break up with someone.....

Hey what happened to Rockadiva?
and here I am whining about not having time off...good to hear yours was well deserved
allright... so i finally got my stuff moved back in... the army made me put everything in storage for the year I was in Iraq, so i hafta unpack it all for the two months im still gonna be in the army then pack it all up and move again(sucks). Whatever. In some ways I wish I never came back. Things are in alot of...
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i don't know why i write in this thing... people that read these generally look for light- hearted comments, and E! hollywood drama that might reflect that I am either a) someone who you are unfit to kiss the sandals of, or b) the nex big thing on MTV. So my entries file somewhere in the back of the SG paper... I guess between obituaries,...
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Sounds fuckin great that youll be gettin out of that shit hole wink

Take it easy man, well be waitin herwe for ya wink
....they burned so much crap in the streets today that you could barely see. It's like LA smog with the smell of a burning dump. It's sad... it's like no one understands the idea of responsibility here... its just consume and destroy.
That is sad. I don't remember why I was in such a good mood... I think, just because.

Consume and Destroy? I think that a lot of people are like that about a lot of different things.
haha, when I read your comment, I thought it said "while you cut off its head"...and that made me sad....yay for saving the kitty though... smile