Next time you get offered one, take it. It's most likely better than the one you have, so you can't lose. I paased on my chance, and now I regret it. frown
I don't know what you are talking about. But I have a feeling you are right nevertheless.
Try to visualize me here, virtually of course.
yes of course.

but you must understand, i prefer my cat incaptivity cuddling with me and chasing the laser pointer. not patrollingthe streets
If no news is good news, then I have truely good news.
No news is definitely better than bad news.

Trust me.

This I know.
ITs good to hear that you have such good news.. or is that mews? miao!!
Self-imposed isolation. It starts out in the mind. We introvert. We decide that we are going to be this way. We separate ourselves from all that we know is proper for us. We search. We look within for some answers when they dont seem to come from all we know and love. We cry for companionship, yet we stand against it. Repelling it, actually. We...
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I only try to isolate to dispel the illusions. So I can see more clearly. Sometimes other perspectives and other people's expectations seem to just get in the way.

Then again, as is so often the case lately, I am drunk, and probably don't really know what the hell I am talking about.
I must be extroverting, maybe that's my problem...
I'm on a quest to acquire some more friends for my Friend's List. But, if UncleRay keeps changing his name, it almost seems like I have more friends. But my list is pretty bad. Half of my friends have either gone grey, or give me the impression of grey because of their choice of profile pics. Bottom line is my list looks terrible. Not that...
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I think I will probably be back to this name for a while. But I expect that I will continue to take occassional breaks from the site. And they will probably alwys be more formal than yours. And I will probably always come back.

After all, what else do I have to do?

You can feel free to steal some of my friends. I don't talk much to a lot of them anyway.
So, I says to the guy, I says,"buddy, you gonna eat that whole thing?". Guy says "yup". I says, "you want me to call 911 now, or wait til you finish?". Guy says, "go fuck yourself...".
Now all day I been tryin' to fuck myself, but I have been unsuccessful, and unfulfilled. Self fucking sucks. frown

* note to self... get a few more friends. Of...
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ya know, you're comments tend to either be interesting or confusing. That last one was ... ... ... !
Self fucking does suck. In fact, after years of doing many things alone, I have recently decided that most, not all, but most, solitary activities suck. I used to think that as I grew older I would become more and more of a hermit. By choice. Somewhere along the line I changed. I started to actually desire the company of other people. Still not sure if this was a good change or a bad one.
Just got back from New York. Had a great four day weekend in NYC, doing all the typical tourist stuff. Ground Zero is just a large hole in the ground, but it can still bring me to tears. Had some great food, heard some great music. Rode around in taxi cabs at Mach 3. smile

What's the deal with having someone on your mind so much...
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it was a beautiful thing, seeing you today. im half asleep in an amazingly comfortable chair, but i had to climb on here and send you a little more love today...

sometimes i forget how muuch i miss you and how happy i am to see you until you actually show up.

thanks sweetie. kiss
hey! did you delete one of my comments? There used to be one above thejuanupsman's on this very page...

Update please...!
I'm heading to New York for a few days next week. I wonder if there's anything fun to do in NYC? I shall see...
I hear NYC is a boring little town, kind of a hick town with Gomer and Goober Pyle types living there.... surreal

Housemate doesn't look positive anymore... and she's pretty "out there" you might know her as Angel. wink
Some days, I swear, I don't know what the fuck I'm doin'...
and other days I still haven't got a clue what I'm doin'...
That would be most days for me. Just do something. My experience has been doing nothing is almost always the wrong choice.
I've been thinking alot about regret lately. You know, "Oh, I regret that I never asked that cute chick from High School out on a date" kinda stuff. Or the, "Wow, I really wish I wouldda finshed college and gotten that darn degree" kinda regret.
I'm gonna think about it some more, then I'll write it all out for ya...
What do you regret?
I regret going to Law school instead of grad school.
I regret investing too much in bad relationships.
I regret mistaking acquaintances for friends.
I regret almost every time I have ever started to care for a woman.

Lately, pretty much everything except for my daughter. She is the one consistently good thing in my life.

I'll tell her when I see her Sunday that you're not an asshole. I had thought about taking Thursday off to go see her, but I've been so far behind in work due to being sick, I couldn't get away, and she did only have the one show before she had to go home and pack for San Fran. She went for Tegan's birthday (lucky girl to have someone fly out just for your birthday), and wil be back Saturday night.