Imagine being given a book. A beautiful, provocative book. A very thick book. Seems like a never-ending story. You start reading and soon it's apparent that this is the best story ever written. It's exciting. It's heart-warming. It's sexy. It's dangerous. And it's filled with some of the most beautiful images you've ever seen. You're drawn in and you're completely fulfilled by it. You enjoy this story a little bit at a time, and you're thinking you would like this book to last as long as possible. There is joy in your heart as you read. The story is masked in mystery, dipped in seduction and has a wonderful randomness to it. The list of characters grows by bounds every time you open it and yet it's the subject of the story who remains in your thoughts long after you've put it down. The story fulfills a need inside of you and touches you deeply, and you wonder why. You're through the first few chapters of the story when it comes to an abrupt, halting end. No warnings, no explanations. You're left with a sad, empty feeling and many questions. Who were all those characters? How were they connected to the subject? Why did it end so soon? And what do you do now? Do you try to find the answers to all those mysterious questions? Is that even possible? What if secrets are revealed to you that diminish the story? Do you pursue the story? Or do you put the book on the shelf and thank God that you were given the chance to enjoy it and cherish the memories forever?
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Wednesday Mar 02, 2011
I'll be back when they give me another 90 days for free. See ya then… -
Saturday Jan 01, 2011
who the hell am I to be mixed up in this shit again? -
Saturday Apr 18, 2009
went to see the G. Love and Special Sauce show at First Avenue last n… -
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
you came and touched me today. I was in the park watching some kids p… -
Saturday Apr 21, 2007
Imagine being given a book. A beautiful, provocative book. A very thi… -
Sunday Apr 08, 2007
I can't eat. I can't sleep. My heart hurts more than I ever thought i… -
Friday Apr 06, 2007
The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises… -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
DECEMBER 3, 2006 @ 03:27 PM It was a simple date. She's just a girl,… -
Monday Dec 11, 2006
She is NOT just a girl. -
Sunday Dec 03, 2006
It was a simple date. She's just a girl, right? Movie and dinner. She…
The talk helped me too. We should try to do it again.
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