yippee voltaire added me as a friend on myspace. she truly is/was my favorite suicidegirl ever!! anywho, that just made my day. school was fun to, i have this sort of crush (in a really old weird guy way) to my professor. he just seems like he would have been a real interesting guy to know in his younger years. plus i think he is...
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Goodtimes, Voltaire is awsome.

im watching monster garage where they redo a vw bug and they just spent 15,000 on an engine and 3,000 on a tranny. didnt even bat an eye, just "here ya go". seriously, this engine in a 1500 lb car is insanely, dangerously fast, but would be cool as hell to have!!! they redid the entire car in like 7 days..... they made it look...
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whats your next step on the bug?
go to the search section on myspace and search by email. my email is JDezso@tampabay.rr.com
there are a ton of good movies out or that are coming out within the next couple of weeks. i wish i could just spend a saturday and sunday at the movies. stay there from open to close, eat mad amounts of popcorn and see everything i want to see. but yeah in reality the next month of weekends are booked
how is everyone doing??...
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how is everyone doing??...
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it's already been 3 weeks. it's now or never.
hey sweets. i hope you have a good night i am off all day tomorrow so give me a call or something. will be doing the hair tomorrow! yeah!!!!!!!

I bought these tonight: http://renas.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=detail&id=141522&product=681
and have been prancing around my room in them and nothing but my undies on.... hehehe lots of fun!!! like i told jessi i love the idea of taking my clothes off and making a shit load of money, but the reality is my life is so opposite of a stripper story. plus being around all the negative things associated...
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and have been prancing around my room in them and nothing but my undies on.... hehehe lots of fun!!! like i told jessi i love the idea of taking my clothes off and making a shit load of money, but the reality is my life is so opposite of a stripper story. plus being around all the negative things associated...
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Nice shoes!
Yeah you dont want to get into that scene. too many idiots. but the shoes are sweet and the prancing is great. talk to ya soon.
had a shitty day at work, but what else is new. let me just say if something happens to me while i am at work, please everyone know that kathy barthelmy is a fucking nutbag and upper management knows she is not of sound mind or body. this is my story and if need be please use in the court of law.
im off to...
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im off to...
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stop the motherfuckin presses, a britney spears sex tape. god i love celebrity sex scandals. there is just something so intruiging about watching famous people hump like rabbits. i will openly admit i had 3 versions of the paris hilton tape and dont even get me started on the tommy/pam movie. anywho hearing this makes me want to visit the porn store even more. anyone...
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A girl after my own heart!!!!
oh i wish i were a trust fund baby, so grandma or my overly rich mommy/daddy could just give me gobs of money to spend at my leisure. i could sleep all day and party all night, not ever realizing how or where this money came from. but no, i am not that blessed. i have to get up early everyday, go to a job...
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god i hate onesided friendships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck them all!!!!!
dont fucking call me at 10a.m. on a saturday when i am sleeping, wake me up, ask me to drive and get your drunk fucking ass from some random guys house. because you dont know where your damn car is and you have to take a shit. then ditch me that night for the guy who you...
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dont fucking call me at 10a.m. on a saturday when i am sleeping, wake me up, ask me to drive and get your drunk fucking ass from some random guys house. because you dont know where your damn car is and you have to take a shit. then ditch me that night for the guy who you...
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no shit! I hear ya. Thats why I keep and core group of close friends and everyone else can go fuck themselves.Im really glad I got to meet you all. Yall seem like real cool people. We should hang again when Im able to talk more. I was all over the place that night. hit me up anytime, youve got my number.
Rigth on, I hear you there.
17 days til i cancel my account.....
rock on you get them girl you and your ebay gosh i love you. im excited!!!!! a little less then two weeks away. ill call you tomorrow. take care have a good night. xoxoxoxo

glow sticks yeah!!!! pretty colors!!!! hehehehe

i made a C on my first management test. not the grade i wanted, but fuck it. anyways, im off to do some school work. i love getting off work early, it seems like i actually have time to relax and get shit done. going to zerotoleras show tonight. hopefully we dont get lost. xoxoxo kristen
kickboxing tonight after that im going to the bookstore for a magazine, then off target to shop!!!
woo hoo only working half a day tomorrow, yippee!!!
another busy weekend all lined up, i have come to the conclusion the only time i will ever slow down is when i am dead, so i better hurry up and get everything done before that happens. okay, well...
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woo hoo only working half a day tomorrow, yippee!!!
another busy weekend all lined up, i have come to the conclusion the only time i will ever slow down is when i am dead, so i better hurry up and get everything done before that happens. okay, well...
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a sudden overwhelming feeling of happiness has just swept over me. how nice!!!
xoxoxox kris10
xoxoxox kris10
what happiness? and amen im with you we are going to run away. can we bring brandon? talk to you tom xoxoxoxoxoxo jessi

we can bring the boys and animals that make us smile. so yes he can come!!!