"It is just another body, any body, outside any pattern.
It is a compound of flesh, blood, bones, which does not define who I am.
And who am I? I would not dare to describe myself, because I am what others make of me, I change constantly.
- No, it's not a lack of personality, my dear! I have to disagree.
For me, this change is the result of the excess of learning that life throws us down the throat.
I carry a pile of scars on that body, a broken past, frustrated loves, so many desires.
I like the accumulation of secrets that this body hides and that nobody needs to know.
Within that body is an essence. This is worth much more than any appearance.
And my essence is easy to see, because my eyes speak! Ah, they always said more than my words.
I've never been a difficult person to read, it takes a little silence to know what's going on inside me. "
Beautiful photo, beautiful words
Hottie! <3