Well folks, it has been fun. But the time has come for me to take my leave of SG. Both as a photographer and as a model. It is blatantly obvious my work is no longer valued by the powers... Read More
this weekend weetzie came to visit! i was a little upset i was left home alone while mom and weetzie spent the day on the island, but i did enjoy snuggling as close as i could to both of them while they slept! weetzie didn't even mind when i grabbed her boobs and licked her eye. signs of affection, i tell you.
this weekend my mom noticed i was chewing my paws an awful lot and when she bathed me (which i hate by the way - i always get water up my nose and it makes me sneeze) she saw lots of blood on my paws! turns out i had yeast between my toes and it was making me all itchy. the... Read More
my mom posted some pictures i did with her! go check them out and let me know how awesome i look. don't be too harsh though - they were shot the day after i had to get shaved. i felt very self conscious about my haircut, so my mom got me my cute red hoodie! don't i look smart in red?
so my mom keeps telling me that we're going on an adventure soon, but i'm not quite sure if i'm up for a big adventuring. i like the simple things in life - my bed, my collection of socks, my lady love next door. i know they say i'm a go anywhere shih tzu. i guess we'll find out!
Okay, see... that's not right. She took some of the best pictures of anyone here. That is just a damned shame.
Please convey my best wishes to her.