brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! jesus christ it's cold! I reallly need that wood burning stove!
However, it wasn't so many years ago that I lived in a sick loft in N. PHilly that had no heat and THAT winter was effing brutal. got out of bed and could see my breath. We did have one kerosine heater I would sit by with the dogs to warm up though. It was a 2000 square foot loft with no insolation so that little kerosene didn't do that much.
Ah those were the days! lol Honestly it was a rad place but perhaps my then boyfriend should have told me that he was 5 months behind on the rent and owed over $3000 to the gas company before I moved in. Perhaps I should have listened to my gut when I first told him that "no" I didn't want to live with him. That was my decision but I caved when he got incredibly upset at me. I was a fool in love in love with a bigger fool!
I really think I should credit check all my future partners. Criminal background check might not be a bad idea either. I don't mind if you are a criminal bu tI do mind if you get caught!
However, it wasn't so many years ago that I lived in a sick loft in N. PHilly that had no heat and THAT winter was effing brutal. got out of bed and could see my breath. We did have one kerosine heater I would sit by with the dogs to warm up though. It was a 2000 square foot loft with no insolation so that little kerosene didn't do that much.
Ah those were the days! lol Honestly it was a rad place but perhaps my then boyfriend should have told me that he was 5 months behind on the rent and owed over $3000 to the gas company before I moved in. Perhaps I should have listened to my gut when I first told him that "no" I didn't want to live with him. That was my decision but I caved when he got incredibly upset at me. I was a fool in love in love with a bigger fool!
I really think I should credit check all my future partners. Criminal background check might not be a bad idea either. I don't mind if you are a criminal bu tI do mind if you get caught!

I'm good. Busy but good. We really should get a beverage or food or something while I'm local, it would be nice to catch up.It's been ages - interested?
Pretty much any afternoon/evening would work although the weekends are hard to predict ahead of time. Whatever works for you. Do you still have my number?