Happy Halloween!
It was a pretty calm one for me this year. Calm is where I need to be right now.
Did check out the Philly Bike Expo which was pretty ok. Not as dope as I hoped it would be. Saw some sweet rides though and some cool fanny packs/lock holder made by fabric horse.

My favorite mechanic beat the pants off the other lads in the Best Mechanics Contest. He finished so fast. Over an hour later the other mechanics were still building. Go Ritchie!!!!!

I can't wait to be cleared for my next tattoo. the question is what....and by whom? I'm leaning towards Mercury as Scott Bramble does some sick as work however I"m not sure when the time comes I'll be patient enough to wait. maybe I'll make an appointment with him and in the meantime get another one by my guy Brian.
I love fall buy I'm sort of bummed that by the time I can move my arm again it will be winter. I'll want to be on my bike in a bad way!
how is everyone?
It was a pretty calm one for me this year. Calm is where I need to be right now.
Did check out the Philly Bike Expo which was pretty ok. Not as dope as I hoped it would be. Saw some sweet rides though and some cool fanny packs/lock holder made by fabric horse.

My favorite mechanic beat the pants off the other lads in the Best Mechanics Contest. He finished so fast. Over an hour later the other mechanics were still building. Go Ritchie!!!!!

I can't wait to be cleared for my next tattoo. the question is what....and by whom? I'm leaning towards Mercury as Scott Bramble does some sick as work however I"m not sure when the time comes I'll be patient enough to wait. maybe I'll make an appointment with him and in the meantime get another one by my guy Brian.
I love fall buy I'm sort of bummed that by the time I can move my arm again it will be winter. I'll want to be on my bike in a bad way!
how is everyone?
B) You dig bikes.
C) Did I mention your freckles yet? Le sigh.
Hope you're kicking ass and taking names, lady. We need to chat more often.
I think my sister may have chair time lined up that she may not use. If you're interested, I can try to hook that up.