Yeah, Sam Morse probably was being dramatic. Still, it makes for great cyberpunk fodder.
I am also reminded, of course, of Alex Bell's "Watson, come here, I need you." Now why would a guy say something innocuous for the first ever telephone transmission? When it isn't innocuous. Bell and Watson shared the love that dare not speak it's name!
It ain't subtle, but I do like, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
Seriously, how cool is that? It sounds so ambiguous to my modern ears. I wonder if it did back then?
I am also reminded, of course, of Alex Bell's "Watson, come here, I need you." Now why would a guy say something innocuous for the first ever telephone transmission? When it isn't innocuous. Bell and Watson shared the love that dare not speak it's name!
It ain't subtle, but I do like, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."