I would once again like to thank people for the love left on Hang Tough - byMiro. The set can always use more love, though, so if you 've not done so yet, run on over there and have a gander.
Not only was this one of the best weekends I've ever had, but those people are some of the most amazing people that you will ever have the pleasure of meeting, each in their own unique and great way! I've spent the last few days creating a great photo album of the weekend. I've also been stealing other people's photos from the weekend, and I'm going to post them here (credited, of course). I may also have edited some of them, to those who took them, if I've edited something and you're not happy with it, I'm sorry.
So here, we will start with my pictures. I would like to state that none of these photos are in any order at all, due to the fact that that would take me for fucking ever.
spike2201 and myself, pulling strange faces... ok, actually, I'm the only one with the strange face. And remember that, because it seems to become a theme.
This is sCentauri in the background, and Swazzy dutifully holding my laptop. Keep in mind what he's doing, because in later pictures, you'll figure out why he was holding it.
I'm fairly certain that it wasn't me that made Reuben_ crack up like that. I'm not very funny. I'm also 50/50 on whether this photo is mine or spike2201's.
Earlier I mentioned that Swazzy was holding my laptop for us. This is the reason why. Isn't he such a gentleman? There are a tonne of photos of the bath, and because I'm a jerk, I'm going to post all of them. In the bath from left to right we have SkyeAnnelise, me, hodor, and Autumnsky.
This picture went viral on my Facebook fanpage.
So, that hundred and something pictures just about covers the weekend! As you can see, a great time was had by all who attended, and that group will be getting together again soon!
Here's a song to break up the pictures.
So I started playing The Witcher 2: Assissins of Kings the other day. I must say that, yeah, I'm only about an hour into it, but so far, I'm seriously unimpressed. Quite disappointing considering that the first one had me hooked instantly. However, I have been told that it gets better, so I'm kinda crossing my fingers, sighing a lot, and waiting.
I downloaded all the Game of Thrones books. Planning on actually just lying and reading, instead of sitting, staring at a screen, 20 hours a day. We will see if that actually happens...
Gotta say, speaking of Game of Thrones, that this week's episode was a little slow. I'm not alone in that opinion, although Tyrion Lannister's little speech to Joffrey was bleeding hilarious.
The day after London, went to the park with spike2201. He took some of these.
Can't remember why he's under my desk.
Taking apart my iPhone to replace the screen so I can sell it. Broke the digitizer. Oh well.
Big ol' spider in my kitchen.
Bought and ate pizza.
Yesterday I posted this on my fanpage:
And the reason for that is this: what I had actually written was "There is also something weird going on in the trees opposite my house." and it came out as... Yes
Ginger got under the blanket.
My friend Max, spike2201, and I, all went to get lunch.
And I dyed my hair brown, so I took pictures.
These somehow got left out, but this was a couple of weeks ago.
Here are some sexy pictures for your amusement and because I'm a massive gigantic poser.
I would like to let you all know that this is happening.
This is from that!