ok sorry my last questions were a bit intrusive or what not. lets see...im updating because 1. i felt bad. 2. i have news. 3. i dunno.
my brother called me yesterday from kansas city, which i have grown to know as, SOMETHING IS WRONG. but it was all good news. he is getting married, and wanted to tell someone, so he told me, and i was so flattered, because i was the first person they told, and i never thought he liked me that much. my family and i arent as close as we should be...im far too reserved, far too secretive, far too hurt from the past...(and actually i have let it go, etc.)
then my friend who i have known for exactly 1/2 of my life was mia, and now we know he is ok. this is the one person who i would feel if something were amiss, so i wasnt too anxious. we share the same b day, he is 14 minutes older than me. sometimes i think we share a heart.
bad news. my cousin was beat with in an inch of his life......he cant talk or write and can barely walk...it was over drugs. heres the messd up thing. the local sheriff in his one horse town didnt even press charges against the guilty party because they were tired of the trouble my cousin caused. and second bad news..my grans niece killed her self so she is upset. i didnt know the woman.
so questions.
1. what color is your hair right now?
2. can you recommend some books to me...right now im rereading my beloved copy of Tao Te Ching, and i need something new soon.
3. where would you visit if you could?
1. pink, orange, yellow.
2. a widow for a year. any ann rule, bad girls do it.
3. germany, ohio, australia.
love ya guys.
my brother called me yesterday from kansas city, which i have grown to know as, SOMETHING IS WRONG. but it was all good news. he is getting married, and wanted to tell someone, so he told me, and i was so flattered, because i was the first person they told, and i never thought he liked me that much. my family and i arent as close as we should be...im far too reserved, far too secretive, far too hurt from the past...(and actually i have let it go, etc.)
then my friend who i have known for exactly 1/2 of my life was mia, and now we know he is ok. this is the one person who i would feel if something were amiss, so i wasnt too anxious. we share the same b day, he is 14 minutes older than me. sometimes i think we share a heart.
bad news. my cousin was beat with in an inch of his life......he cant talk or write and can barely walk...it was over drugs. heres the messd up thing. the local sheriff in his one horse town didnt even press charges against the guilty party because they were tired of the trouble my cousin caused. and second bad news..my grans niece killed her self so she is upset. i didnt know the woman.
so questions.
1. what color is your hair right now?
2. can you recommend some books to me...right now im rereading my beloved copy of Tao Te Ching, and i need something new soon.
3. where would you visit if you could?
1. pink, orange, yellow.
2. a widow for a year. any ann rule, bad girls do it.
3. germany, ohio, australia.

love ya guys.

1. me - brown Too- tan
2. i recommend anything by caleb carr either the alienist or the angel of darkness great peroid crime novels that are quick reads. Too reccomends dr suess as he likes the pretty pictures
3. your house alisa's house bombshellbetty's house a few other places too would visit the forest
2.)no sorry
63.)yosemite again, so much fun!!!