jeez i feel sorry for people in england, where its sooo hot.
its only 24 degrees here and im melting, but it is very humid. i wish it would just rain and get it over with. im bored like out of my head. been biking today, maybe i will go to the beach tomorrow, depending on how warm it is.
i feel blah.
1. whats your middle name? I guess i should say whats your first and middle name, since i dont know a lot of peoples first names.
2. are you straight, bi, or gay?
3. if you could change your name, what would it be?
1. well it's Elizabeth Fawn.
i hated it for the longest time.
2. im straight, but i appreciate beauty in both sexes.
3. when i was young and learning how to write i wanted it to be something like kim. but now i think i like my nick name, ellie, or i would be Lilly.
ill just name my daughter (when and if i ever have one) Lilly Naomi, and if its a boy Kaj Erik. i love the names here.
have fun you guys.
love ya

its only 24 degrees here and im melting, but it is very humid. i wish it would just rain and get it over with. im bored like out of my head. been biking today, maybe i will go to the beach tomorrow, depending on how warm it is.
i feel blah.
1. whats your middle name? I guess i should say whats your first and middle name, since i dont know a lot of peoples first names.
2. are you straight, bi, or gay?
3. if you could change your name, what would it be?
1. well it's Elizabeth Fawn.

2. im straight, but i appreciate beauty in both sexes.
3. when i was young and learning how to write i wanted it to be something like kim. but now i think i like my nick name, ellie, or i would be Lilly.
ill just name my daughter (when and if i ever have one) Lilly Naomi, and if its a boy Kaj Erik. i love the names here.
have fun you guys.
love ya

2. I've been all three and now I'm straight, but I obviously like looking at boobs.
3. maybe Minky, nah I like my name. but I like the name for your boy.
hope you are swell.
2. i am a metrosexual( i am straight but i am not a jock and have fashion sense)
3. nickname at work is C.J. because there were two Chris' and to make things easier i told people to call me by my initials. the other Chris is gone but they still use it and some of my friends have taken to calling me by it.
love the profile pic!!!!