been giving out testimonials today
if you dont have one yet
just wait you will!
1. what is your biggest pet peeve
2. is there something you did as a child that annoyed your parents, that you find annoys you now?
3. what are you afraid of.
4. turn on? turn off
1. people who lie...hehe i had people who live....typossss
2. lets see...the list is huge..dragging my feet, slamming doors, screaming
3. fire, drowning, lightening, tornadoes, being disliked. i had a fear once of never being loved.
4. honesty, big noses and intelligence dishonesty..stupidity...obnoxiousness...
dont get me wrong...there are times when i drag my feet, slam the door, scream... and can be as obnoxious as fuck but..not all the time
well my lovelies...have a great weekend.
if you dont have one yet
just wait you will!
1. what is your biggest pet peeve
2. is there something you did as a child that annoyed your parents, that you find annoys you now?
3. what are you afraid of.
4. turn on? turn off
1. people who lie...hehe i had people who live....typossss
2. lets see...the list is huge..dragging my feet, slamming doors, screaming
3. fire, drowning, lightening, tornadoes, being disliked. i had a fear once of never being loved.
4. honesty, big noses and intelligence dishonesty..stupidity...obnoxiousness...
dont get me wrong...there are times when i drag my feet, slam the door, scream... and can be as obnoxious as fuck but..not all the time
well my lovelies...have a great weekend.

hoorah for new friends.
i would like a biscuit now
1.liars, informers or gossipers
2. making a mess
3. ............. too personal
4.loyalty honesty / same as no#1