ooooh i forgot to say thanks for everyone
i smiled like a cheshire cat.
i especially liked the naked chicken dance just imagining it made me giggle just as the jokes did, and the hugs and gosh.... everything and everyone ....
1. why do punk rock guys go out with new wave girls?
2. im a self fulfilling porno queen... any thoughts?
3. whats your favourite kind of shoe?
4. because two wasnt really a question...just provocation... do you watch porno?
1. cuz they put out more? or because punk rock girls beat people up in pits.. and they get scared?
2. oh yeah? whats the title?
3. docs...i know lame but i still love my docs.
4. yes. as often as i can.. and its my fantasy to play it for my crush..and watch his reaction...he doesnt share porno time with me..i have a friend who thats all we watch together and i love watching his sure he likes watchin mine....
sakita imitation.... "ooooooooh what are they doing????"
said in a falsetto voice.
love yas
i smiled like a cheshire cat.
i especially liked the naked chicken dance just imagining it made me giggle just as the jokes did, and the hugs and gosh.... everything and everyone ....
1. why do punk rock guys go out with new wave girls?
2. im a self fulfilling porno queen... any thoughts?
3. whats your favourite kind of shoe?
4. because two wasnt really a question...just provocation... do you watch porno?
1. cuz they put out more? or because punk rock girls beat people up in pits.. and they get scared?
2. oh yeah? whats the title?
3. docs...i know lame but i still love my docs.
4. yes. as often as i can.. and its my fantasy to play it for my crush..and watch his reaction...he doesnt share porno time with me..i have a friend who thats all we watch together and i love watching his sure he likes watchin mine....
sakita imitation.... "ooooooooh what are they doing????"
said in a falsetto voice.

1. Dunno. So they can borrow their CDs?
2. Does that mean you wanna get nekkid? Cool.
3. My big Caterpillar boots. I feel secure and ready for anything.
4. I use it, I can't say I really watch it (in terms of plot, dialogue etc)
2. I think I am too...
3. Right now, I have these square-toed shoes, and I am really digging it.
4. Oh yeah, I love to... *drool*