I know i know i said sunday, but actually here its only 2 hours away from sunday so here goes.
1. is there one smell that makes you go all woozy? i mean like a horny kinda woozy. well...what is it???
2. whats your fav. kind of ice cream?
3. coffee or tea? with sugar or milk?
4. if you could meet anyone from sg who would it be..assuming you didnt already know them.
ill answer my own questions today
1. yes. sweaty boys and beer...and some kinds of cologne.
2. chocolate or banana swirl..chocolate and banana...ooooooh...
3. i hate absolutely hate coffee, so tea please a good ceylon, or around the clock, or english breakie... just sugar please. well no that sweetener stuff
4. alisa...definately...and nickysonic..and nataskaput
amongst others..
1. is there one smell that makes you go all woozy? i mean like a horny kinda woozy. well...what is it???
2. whats your fav. kind of ice cream?
3. coffee or tea? with sugar or milk?
4. if you could meet anyone from sg who would it be..assuming you didnt already know them.
ill answer my own questions today
1. yes. sweaty boys and beer...and some kinds of cologne.
2. chocolate or banana swirl..chocolate and banana...ooooooh...
3. i hate absolutely hate coffee, so tea please a good ceylon, or around the clock, or english breakie... just sugar please. well no that sweetener stuff
4. alisa...definately...and nickysonic..and nataskaput
amongst others..
2.right now from thrifty's, pistacio and medieval madness(spelling?)
3.iced tea with lots of lemon and no thank you on the sugar
4.jazmin as a SG and member wise....hard to say, nattle, she is a babe...*drool*
much love
2. A choccy Hagen Daz/Ben & Jerry's , the more choc the better.
3. Tea, milk, 2 sugars please.
4. You
How's things?