what do you do when youre bored?
are you like me and start day dreaming about stuff
you could never do, or should never want to do?
do you sit down with a pen and paper and write?
im bored.
i daydream about stuff i shouldnt
and no i use my computer.
fuck im bored...
or as a wise ass once asked me
are you sure its a case of being bored
or is it a case of being boring?
are you like me and start day dreaming about stuff
you could never do, or should never want to do?
do you sit down with a pen and paper and write?
im bored.
i daydream about stuff i shouldnt
and no i use my computer.
fuck im bored...
or as a wise ass once asked me
are you sure its a case of being bored
or is it a case of being boring?