S0 last night I was watching and came across this show called Frisky Business, looks totally cool. Anyone else seen it and what are your thoughts.
The other day someone told me that people don't change, this is of course bull shit. All you have to do to see people change is to look at pictures from various points in there lives, and hear the stories people tell of their high school days or college days. People change so much that sometimes our friends don't recognize us 5, 10, 20 years...
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Some people don't change, or change very little. My sisters are like this – they still behave the way they did 20 years ago. And then some people – like me – change a lot. I used to be very shy, quiet and boring. Now I'm outspoken, adventurous and a little crazy!
I'll give you some peoples change is small but there was change.
The days just get longer and the nights shorter.

Finally got a day off.
Well, I decided the other day that my life has not gone in the direction I thought it would, but that is ok cause ... ok this whole self evaluation thing is for the birds, we all get exactly where we are supposed to be in life, so if you find your self slipping down the proverbial slippery slope you should at least enjoy the ride.
Yo, Not real big on interductions.
Me neighbour. I usually just hand the money over.
Yo, Not real big on interductions.