Omg you guys!! I haven't been in Member Review for about a year and damn I missed all the butterflies in my stomach and reading all your sweet comments! This time I bring you a more mature set Chez Moi that was shot by the adorable @dwam last October during the Portugal Shootfest, hopefully you can see some improvements from my 1st set "Gloomy" shot by @alma :) I know that with the site changes the MR list has suffered a bit (member comments/love wise) so I'm really happy with the 746 <3 and 172 comments! I have read all your awesome and incredibly supportive comments and I will make time to personally (ya know, interwebs personally haha) thank each and every one of you! It means so much to me that you guys are liking Chez Moi :')
I would hate to be a one hit wonder and I'm pretty sure you don't want that either so show some love right here!
And because I haven't shown you a gif in a really long time.....