Yesturday was really good. Even though i had to work it wasnt that bad. I did however find out that they only sceduled me to work 3 days next week and gave my other coworkers hella shifts. whats up with that?
I went to physical theraphy this morning and arm is showing alot improvement but i had to wake up kinda early and i stayed up late last night cause of the awesome built to spill show. we tried to go to this restuarant that claims to be open till 3 am and got there at 1:20 and they were closing grr i was really hungry. Then I came home and napped and went to the dentist for a long delayed cleaning. i think for first time in my life i like my dentist.
Well since i had to wake up early and havent had much to eat i've felt kinda cranky and shitty all day. I got my police report in the mail from the accident and found out some unsettling news that was just the icing on my shitty feeling cake.
i felt like i finally felt ok and happy and then today ruined that. bummer.
I wouild like to go out tonight but i'm too tired and i have to work at 10:45 tommorow morning so i'll need my rest. i think i'll go the library and check out some movies and drink some beers.
I went to physical theraphy this morning and arm is showing alot improvement but i had to wake up kinda early and i stayed up late last night cause of the awesome built to spill show. we tried to go to this restuarant that claims to be open till 3 am and got there at 1:20 and they were closing grr i was really hungry. Then I came home and napped and went to the dentist for a long delayed cleaning. i think for first time in my life i like my dentist.
Well since i had to wake up early and havent had much to eat i've felt kinda cranky and shitty all day. I got my police report in the mail from the accident and found out some unsettling news that was just the icing on my shitty feeling cake.
i felt like i finally felt ok and happy and then today ruined that. bummer.
I wouild like to go out tonight but i'm too tired and i have to work at 10:45 tommorow morning so i'll need my rest. i think i'll go the library and check out some movies and drink some beers.
that's some bullshit.
Work sucks. I got fired the other day. meh. I hate having to find a new job.